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Ultimate Boot CD 4.1.1
Ultimate boot CD è una suite di programmi molto utili in casi di crash, problemi con sistema operativo o hardware.Il file che viene scaricato è in formato EXE autoestraente, con all’interno l’immagine del cd da mesterizzare (anche con Nero), ed essendo un cd bootabile, è indipendente dal sistema operativo, Windows o Linux che siano.
Al suo interno contiene moltissime utility per il recupero dati, analisi hardware e altro.
Questa è la lista del contenuto nella versione 4.1.1:
CPU Tests
CPU Burn-in 1.00
Mersenne Prime Test 23.5.2
StressCPU 24-Oct-05
Memory Tests
Memtest86 3.3
Memtest86+ 1.70
Windows Memory Diagnostic n/a
DocMem RAM Diagnostic 3.1beta
TestMem4 4
Peripherals Tools
Parallel port detection and test utilities 1.45
ATAPI CDROM Identification 2.22
CHZ Monitor-Test 1.01
CPU Information
Intel Processor Frequency ID 7.2.20041115
Intel Processor Identification Utility 3.3.20061218
x86test 0.10a
System Information
AIDA16 2.14
NSSI 0.59.14
PC-Config 9.33
ASTRA 5.31
PCISniffer 1.5
PCI 1.1
CTIA 2.7
DIMM_ID 3.01
Benchmark Tools
System Speed Test 32 4.78
3D Benchmark VGA 1.0
CPU Benchmark n/a
CD Index 1.1
QwikTest n/a
BIOS Tools
BIOS 1.35.0
WipeCMOS 1.2
!BIOS 3.20
Hard Disk Installation Tools
MaxBlast 5 (Maxtor) 5.0
DiscWizard 2003 (Seagate) 10.45.06
Disk Manager (Seagate) 9.56a
Disk Manager (Samsung) 10
Hard Disk Diagnostic Tools
Drive Fitness Test (IBM/Hitachi) 4.09
Diagnostic Tool (Fujitsu) 6.90
SeaTools for DOS (Seagate/Maxtor) 1.09
SHDIAG (Samsung) 1.25
HUTIL (Samsung) 1.21/2.03
DLG Diagnostic (Western Digital) 4.15/5.04c
Data Lifeguard (Western Digital) 11.2
SCSIMax (Maxtor/Quantum) 1.21
GWSCAN (Gateway) 3.15/5.09
ESTest (ExcelStor) 4.20
Salvation HDD Scan and Repair 3.0
MHDD32 4.6
ViVARD 0.4
HDAT2 4.52
Hard Disk Device Management Tools
Feature Tool (IBM/Hitachi) 2.05
AMSET (Maxtor) 4.00
MAXLLF (Maxtor) 1.1
UATA100 (Seagate) 3.06
Ultra ATA Manager (Western Digital) June, 2003
SUTIL 1.01
ESFeat (ExcelStor) 2.10
ATA Password Tool 1.1
Hard Disk Wiping Tools
Darik's Boot and Nuke 1.0.7
CopyWipe 1.14
Active@ KillDisk Free Edition 4.1
PC INSPECTOR e-maxx 0.95
HDDErase 3.1
Hard Disk Cloning Tools
HDClone (Free Edition) 3.2.6
g4u 1.17
UDPcast n/a
PC INSPECTOR clone maxx 0.95 Build 769
XXCOPY 2.93.1
EaseUs Disk Copy 1.0
COPYR.DMA Build 013
CopyWipe 1.14
Hard Disk Low-Level Editing Tools
Disk Editor 3.0
PTS DiskEditor 1.04
Partition Tools
Ranish Partition Manager 2.40
Free FDISK 1.3.0
SPFDISK (Special FDISK) 2000-03t
XFDISK (Extended FDISK) 0.9.3 beta
Cute Partition Manager 0.9.5
PTDD Super Fdisk 1.0
Partition Resizer 1.3.4
FIPS 2.0
Active@ Partition Recovery 2.1.1
TestDisk 6.5
Partition Saving 3.40
MBRtool 2.3.100
MBRWork 1.07b
Boot Managers
Smart BootManager 3.7.1
Gujin 1.9
GAG 4.8
XOSL 1.1.5
Super Grub Disk 0.9590
File Tools
DOS Navigator 6.4.0
File Maven 3.5a
Necromancer's DOS Navigator 2.15 Build 4000
D-Browse 1.24
Volkov Commander 4.99.08 alpha
Eraser for DOS 5.82
NTFS Tools
Offline NT Password & Registry Editor 070409
Active NTFS Reader for DOS 1.0.1
EditBINI 1.01.1
Boot Partition 2.60
Avira NTFS4DOS Personal 1.9
Anti-Virus/Malware Tools
F-Prot Antivirus for DOS 3.16f
McAfee Antivirus Scanner 4.40.0
BugHunter 2.1
Network Tools
Arachne WWW Browser 1.90
NetCopy 0.2
FileLink 3.01
QNX Demo Browser (network + modem version) 4.00
DOS Boot Disks
FreeDOS Boot Disk 3.40
LZ-DOS Boot Disk 3.40
OpenDOS Boot Disk 3.40
MS-DOS Boot Disk 3.40
NwDsk: NetWare Boot Disk 3.40
MSRRC: Bart's Network Disk Clone 3.35
Linux Boot Disks
Tom's Boot Disk 2.0.103
BasicLinux 3.40
Trinux 0.89
- Offre tutto ciò di cui si ha bisogno per il disaster recovery
- Unico nel suo genere
Downloads: 99.922

Sistemi Operativi: Linux/2K/XP/2003/Vista
Produttore: Ultimate Boot Cd group
Voto: 10
Lingua: Inglese
Licenza: Freeware
Ultimo update: 01/07/07
Sito: Ultimate Boot CD
Screenshot (5.64 KB)
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Bug o nuova versione?
Tienimi aggiornato
- BadCopy Pro v3.76
- Restoration 2.5.14
- IsoBuster
- PC INSPECTOR smart recovery 4.5
- Undelete Plus 2.9
Ultimo update scheda: 08/12/07
Scheda compilata da: Maurizio74
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