Premetto che mi arrivano un sacco di e mail con virus da gente che non conosco, e quindi non so che fare. Ultimamente mi sono arrivate queste due e mail, entrambe con virus rilevato da norton, e non so se crederci o no. Le e mail sono:
1-Ladies and Gentlemen,
Downloading of Movies, MP3s and Software is illegal and punishable by law.
We hereby inform you that your computer was scanned under the IP . The
contents of your computer were confiscated as an evidence, and you will be indicated.
In the next days, you'll get the charge in writing.
In the Reference code: #34297, are all files, that we found on your computer.
The sender address of this mail was masked, to protect us against mail bombs.
- You get more detailed information by the Federal Bureau of Investigation -FBI-
- Department for "Illegal Internet Downloads", Room 7350
- 935 Pennsylvania Avenue
- Washington, DC 20535, USA
- (202) 324-3000
2-hello, I am from Norway and you'll don't believe me,
but a trojan horse in on your pc.
I've scanned the network-ports on the internet. (I know, that's illegal)
And I have found your pc. Your pc is open on the internet for everybody!
Because the smss.exe trojan is running on your system.
Check this, open the task manager and try to stop that!
You'll see, you can't stop this trojan.
When you use win98/me you can't see the trojan!!
On my system was this trojan, too!
And I've found a tool to kill that bad thing.
I hope that I've helped you!
Sorry for my bad english!
Questa e mail in allegato ha il file remove-smss_tool.exe (72,4 kb) e norton me lo rileva come virus....
Possono essere vere? soprattutto la prima, non so bene l'inglese, ma mi sembra di capire che sono indagato.....