Il software Cybersitter offre la possibilità di rendere ancora più restrittivo l'accesso a determinati siti con contenuto pornografico ed altro,aggiungendo nel suo database delle parole,frasi o siti a scelta dell'utente.Io ho proceduto in tal senso aggiungendo determinate parole "volgari" e mi sono accorto che,il software chiude l'accesso a troppi siti,quindi,vorrei fare in modo di eliminarne alcune ma non so se si può fare.Il programma offre la possibilità di inserire anche dei siti a scelta nei quali si può liberamente accedere.Vi faccio leggere una parte della guida che tratta proprio tale argomento:
Custom gives CYBERsitter users the powerful ability to add their own bad sites, words and phrases to be blocked from access. You add these words and phrases to a text box that functions much like a word processor. Enter each item you want to block on a different line. Sites you wish to block are simply entered as follows:
Note the brackets [ ] around the site name. These are required.
Care should be taken when adding words and phrases as you do not want to block something accidentally. You should always try to enter as unique a phrase as possible. Words and phrases must be enclosed in brackets. Here are some examples (ignore the parts in parentheses):
[1111-2222-3333-4444] (a visa card number)
[505-255-5555] (a phone number)
[Billy Smith] (a real name)
[1234 Main Street] (an address)
Note the brackets [ ] around phrase. These are required.
Words and phrase filtering is not case-sensitive. That is, if you want to block all instances of "Billy Smith" you need enter only:
[Billy Smith]
To block "Billy Smith", "billy smith", and "BILLY SMITH". However, only the entire phrase "Billy Smith" would be blocked. You would have to enter a separate character string to block the substring "Billy".
CYBERsitter will also let you override sites that are blocked accidentally, either because their content may temporarily contain something objectionable, or because their URL contains a blocked word.You cannot override the blocked word, but you can tell CYBERsitter that the web site is not to be filtered.
This can be accomplished by selecting the "Always Allowable Sites" tab in the. You enter sites in the same way as you would bad sites. Whenever CYBERsitter sees any site in this list getting loaded, it will ignore the content.
Important note: There are occasions where you will not be able to override a particular site. This is because of a method of web site hosting called Virtual Domain Hosting. This means that while it looks like a normal web site it actually shares the IP address (the numerical address the Internet uses to find web sites) with numerous other sites.
Nella guida c'è scritto che non posso sovrascrivere le parole "volgari" aggiunte nel database,quindi io ho disinstallato il programma credendo che alla successiva reinstallazione avrei trovato la lista cancellata,invece non è successo così e ho ritrovato tutte le parole che avevo inserito prima.Cosa posso fare per azzerare quella lista e fare in modo che il programma non la prenda più in considerazione?