
windows logo testing

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windows logo testing

Postdi nikita75 » 02/03/16 12:34

Durante l'installazione dei driver della stampante epson xp 402 suggerito dall'assistenza telefonica di epson , ricevo questo messaggio di errore che blocca l'installazione
"Il software che si sta installando non ha superato il testing del programma Windows Logo

:mmmh: ho trovato questo supporto ma non si riferisce all'installazione di driver

Epson Product Setup (v1.4) 25-ago-2015 1.45 MBs
Epson Product Setup contains everything you need to use your Epson product. The installer downloads and installs the latest driver software for your Epson product which may include (where applicable) printer drivers, network Wi-Fi drivers, scanner drivers and software. Please Note: To use this software your computer must have Internet access. Depending on the speed of your internet connection, this process may take a while. Once the software is downloaded, it will automatically begin to install. You will be guided (on-screen) through the process.

Versione: 1.4
Data di rilascio: 25-ago-2015
Formato file: EXE
Dimensione file: 1.45 MBs
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