
Programmi che non si aprono

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Moderatori: Dylan666, hydra, gahan

Programmi che non si aprono

Postdi biker68 » 03/09/04 16:12

Salve a tutti il mio problema è che nel mio pc erano presenti virus che ho eliminato ma hanno modificato qualcosa dato che i programmi sul desktop e sulla barra in basso non si aprono il sistema li aprirebbe solo in anteprima ,se potete aiutatemi grazie.
Utente Junior
Post: 10
Iscritto il: 08/04/02 11:18


Postdi Dylan666 » 03/09/04 17:54

Riformula la domanda dato che:

  1. È troppo vaga: che virus erano? Che Windows usi?
  2. Un po' di punteggiatura in più la renderebbe più compernsibile
  3. Non si capisce cosa vuoi dire con "il sistema li aprirebbe solo in anteprima"
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Post: 40127
Iscritto il: 18/11/03 16:46

programmi che non si aprono

Postdi biker68 » 06/09/04 12:24

Ciao ,uso win 98,quando clicco sulle icone nel desktop rimangono inattive e cliccando col destro nel menu a tendina non cè apri ma solo anteprima,poi aprendo il pannello di controllo e cliccando sulle icone varie nessuna si apre e compare la finestra con la x rossa con scritto "accesso negato al percorso,al file,alla periferica specificata.
L'antivirus norton 2004 ha trovato diversi file infetti:c:\Programmi\Outlook Express\outl32c.exe is infected with Backdoor.Jeem c:\Programmi\Outlook Express\outl32l.exe is infected with Backdoor.Jeem c:\Programmi\Outlook Express\outl32l.exe is infected with Backdoor.Jeemc:\WINDOWS\c_pan.exe is infected with Trojan Horse
c:\WINDOWS\daemon.exe is infected with Trojan Horse
c:\WINDOWS\msgaol.exe is infected with Trojan Horse
c:\WINDOWS\dl.html is infected with JS.Downloader.Trojan
c:\WINDOWS\632668.exe is infected with Download.Trojan
c:\WINDOWS\mstaskss.exe is infected with Download.Trojan
c:\WINDOWS\mstasks1.exe is infected with Trojan dropper
c:\WINDOWS\AOLNK.exe is infected with Trojan Horse
c:\WINDOWS\cmid32.dll is infected with Keylogger.Trojan
c:\WINDOWS\s_menu.exe is infected with Trojan Horse
c:\WINDOWS\browse.exe is infected with Trojan Horse
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\0000308D.045 is infected with Keylogger.Trojan
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\00001411.019 is infected with Trojan.StartPage
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\00001CFA.025 is infected with Backdoor.Trojan
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\000033C4.046 is infected with Trojan Horse
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\000029EA.041 is infected with Trojan.Bookmarker.C
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\00001978.022 is infected with Backdoor.Trojan
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\0000308E.045 is infected with Download.Trojan
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\0000308F.045 is infected with Trojan.Noupdate.B
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\00003091.045 is infected with Trojan Horse
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\00002D28.043 is infected with Download.Trojan
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\000030BA.045 is infected with Trojan Horse
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\00002D29.043 is infected with Trojan.StartPage
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\000030BC.045 is infected with Trojan Horse
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\000030BE.045 is infected with Download.Trojan
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\000030BF.045 is infected with Trojan dropper
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\00002E58.044 is infected with Trojan Horse
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\00002D2F.043 is infected with Trojan.Adclicker
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\00002D30.043 is infected with Backdoor.Jeem
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\000028B9.03b is infected with Downloader.Tooncom
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\00002CA2.043 is infected with Trojan.Adclicker
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\00002E00.041 is infected with Trojan.Bookmarker.C
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\00002C4F.042 is infected with Trojan.StartPage
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\00002ABE.042 is infected with VBS.StartPage
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\00002CE4.043 is infected with Download.Trojan
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\00002F31.044 is infected with Download.Trojan
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\00003424.046 is infected with Trojan Horse
c:\WINDOWS\acer\snapshot\backup\00003273.045 is infected with Trojan Horse
Utente Junior
Post: 10
Iscritto il: 08/04/02 11:18

Postdi Dylan666 » 07/09/04 00:06

Ma l'antivirus non riesce a rimuovere i file infetti? Prova a rifare la scansione dalla modalità provvisoria e vedi se il virus riappare
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Post: 40127
Iscritto il: 18/11/03 16:46

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