Superfluo dire la copia di XP in mio possesso è originale e che gli aggionamenti SP1 sono disponibili.

Moderatori: Dylan666, hydra, gahan
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 2004
' File: BlockXPSP2.vbs
' Contents: Remotely blocks or unblocks the delivery of
' Windows XP SP2 from Windows Update web site or via Automatic
' Updates.
' History: 8/20/2004 Peter Costantini Created
' Version: 1.0
On Error Resume Next
' Define constants and global variables.
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
strComputer = "." ' Can be changed to name of remote computer.
strKeyPath = "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate"
strEntryName = "DoNotAllowXPSP2"
dwValue = 1
' Handle command-line arguments.
Set colArgs = WScript.Arguments
If colArgs.Count = 0 Then
If colArgs.Count = 2 Then
strComputer = colArgs(1)
End If
' Connect with WMI service and StdRegProv class.
Set objReg = GetObject _
("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
If Err = 0 Then
If (LCase(colArgs(0)) = "/b") Or _
(LCase(colArgs(0)) = "-b" ) Then
ElseIf (LCase(colArgs(0)) = "/u") Or _
(LCase(colArgs(0)) = "-u") Then
End If
WScript.Echo "Unable to connect to WMI service on " _
& strComputer & "."
End If
End If
Sub AddBlock
'Check whether WindowsUpdate subkey exists.
strParentPath = "SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows"
strTargetSubKey = "WindowsUpdate"
intCount = 0
intReturn1 = objReg.EnumKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _
strParentPath, arrSubKeys)
If intReturn1 = 0 Then
For Each strSubKey In arrSubKeys
If strSubKey = strTargetSubKey Then
intCount = 1
End If
If intCount = 1 Then
WScript.Echo "Unable to find registry subkey " & _
strTargetSubKey & ". Creating ..."
intReturn2 = objReg.CreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _
If intReturn2 = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "ERROR: Unable to create registry " & _
"subkey " & strTargetSubKey & "."
End If
End If
WScript.Echo "ERROR: Unable to find registry path " & _
strParentPath & "."
End If
End Sub
Sub SetValue
intReturn = objReg.SetDWORDValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _
strKeyPath, strEntryName, dwValue)
If intReturn = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Added registry entry to block Windows XP " & _
"SP2 deployment via Windows Update or Automatic Update."
WScript.Echo "ERROR: Unable to add registry entry to " & _
"block Windows XP SP2 deployment via Windows Update " & _
"or Automatic Update."
End If
End Sub
Sub RemoveBlock
intReturn = objReg.DeleteValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _
strKeyPath, strEntryName)
If intReturn = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Deleted registry entry " & strEntryName & _
". Unblocked Windows XP SP2 deployment via Windows " & _
"Update or Automatic Update."
WScript.Echo "Unable to delete registry entry " & _
strEntryName & ". Windows XP SP2 deployment via " & _
"Windows Update or Automatic Update is not blocked."
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowUsage
WScript.Echo "Usage:" & VbCrLf & _
" BlockXPSP2.vbs { /b | /u | /? } [hostname]" & VbCrLf & _
" /b = Block (deny) Windows XP Service Pack 2 " & _
"deployment" & VbCrLf & _
" /u = Unblock (allow) Windows XP Service Pack 2 " & _
"deployment" & VbCrLf & _
" /? = Show usage" & VbCrLf & _
" hostname = Optional. Name of remote computer. " & _
"Default is local computer" & VbCrLf & _
"Example:" & VbCrLf & _
" BlockXPSP2.vbs /b client1"
End Sub
Locutus ha scritto:Ma nonostante tutto mi propone sempre e solo aggionamenti per l'SP1...
C'è un modo per scaricarlo e installarlo offline?
Dylan666 ha scritto:Puoi lanciare la versione completa linkata prima.
Ho scaricato ed installato un sw ma non trovo la cartella Autore: franco11 |
Forum: Sistemi Operativi Windows Risposte: 8 |
Problema con orologio sostitutivo di windows installato Autore: nippon |
Forum: Software Windows Risposte: 9 |
Irfanview installato ma manca icona per l'avvio Autore: gamma_ray |
Forum: Software Windows Risposte: 1 |
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