
convertire file foto in pcd

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convertire file foto in pcd

Postdi amenichelli » 23/09/02 18:57

Scusate se forse non è il post giusto,ma non sapevo dove inserire la domanda.
Qualcuno sa se esiste un programma per trasformare i file jpg,tif ecc.,
nel formato kodak photo cd appunto pcd? :oops:
Grazie anticipatamente.
Utente Senior
Post: 288
Iscritto il: 29/08/01 01:00
Località: Roma


Postdi Triumph Of Steel » 23/09/02 19:08

dal sito della Kidak:

Can I convert .jpg format image files to .pcd format image files?
Kodak provides the software to create .pcd files only to professionals who have a PHOTO CD workstation. This is done to maintain the quality standards of PHOTO CD Discs. The critical component of the PHOTO CD workstation is the high-resolution scanner that creates the digital image from a photographic negative or print. With the KODAK PHOTO CD workstation, the image file is created as a .pcd file. It is not converted to a .pcd file.

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Triumph Of Steel
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Iscritto il: 22/08/01 01:00

Postdi amenichelli » 23/09/02 19:12

Utente Senior
Post: 288
Iscritto il: 29/08/01 01:00
Località: Roma

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