piercing ha scritto:ma la RAM è compatibile con quel PC? è ancora installata?
Il tlack che tu dici lo faceva anche prima... quando spegnevi il PC... vero?... pensaci bene.. magari non ci avevi mai fatto caso...
Si la ram e` compatibile. IL problema lo c'e` tale e quale con il vecchio HD e la vecchia RAM installati...
Comunque qui sotto vi metto la cronistoria dell'accaduto; e` in inglese ma no problem giusto!
My laptop is an Acer TRAVELMATE 515TE.
I asked to a computer shop to install a new
HD on my laptop because the original one had to many errors in.
I asked to install new RAM memory too (upgrade from 64 to 256 MB).
After installing them all, the laptop didn't work anymore:
A few seconds after turning it on you can hear a strange noise like a single "clip!" and immediately after the computer turns off. Removing the RAM memory the computer remains on but, I think of course, it does not load anything.
They tried to reinstall the old HD and RAM memory (with which the computer originally worked, not well, but worked) but the problem remained the same.