
Problemi con Alice ADSL e Macintosh

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Problemi con Alice ADSL e Macintosh

Postdi emill24 » 29/08/06 15:50

Ciao. Mio italiano e molto male... necessito scrivere in inglese, ma mi dispiace.

I have just moved to Firenze with friends and we are having trouble connecting to Alice ADSL in our apartment. Those with Windows had no trouble installing the appropriate software, but myself and my roommate, both with Mac OSX, cannot install it; instead we keep getting error messages about it being unable to run script on the page. Of course I tried calling the Alice hotline of 187 and the owner of the apartment, but the first offers no English and the second hasn't any idea as to how the computer works, so despite my best efforts, there is nothing for me to do. Does anyone know if there is anyone at Alice that might speak English and that can help us? Is there anyone on here that is familiar with this problem? Again, I'm very sorry that I can't speak Italian, but I'm a student out here, it's only my fourth day, and I'm anxious to speak to my family at home. Thank you SO very much for your help!

(Mille grazie,)

Post: 2
Iscritto il: 29/08/06 15:29


Postdi nykky » 29/08/06 15:53

Hi, how do you connect to internet, with a modem or with a router?
Post: 1933
Iscritto il: 23/07/03 10:42


Postdi emill24 » 29/08/06 22:38

Thanks for your response! We have a wireless router.
Post: 2
Iscritto il: 29/08/06 15:29

Re: Macintonsh

Postdi nykky » 30/08/06 07:35

emill24 ha scritto:Thanks for your response! We have a wireless router.

Ok, so you don't have to install nothing, you have only to configure your LAN. We have a guide to do that but unfortunally it's only in Italian.
This is the guide
Post: 1933
Iscritto il: 23/07/03 10:42

Torna a Reti, ADSL e wireless

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