
Aggiornamenti automatici fuori uso

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Aggiornamenti automatici fuori uso

Postdi usag » 27/01/10 18:13

ho installato ex-novo (previa fomattazione) Windows Xp sp2, per motivi di "pulizia"; ormai era piantato. Tutto procede secondo l'iter e va a buon fine.
I problemi arrivano in fase di aggiornamento; "Aggiornamenti automatici" non funziona, allora ho provato ad usare "Windows Update", ma non c'è verso agganciarsi ai server Microsoft, neanche digitando l'indirizzo manualmente nè con IE né con Firefox; mi blocca sempre l'accesso, dandomi il classico messaggio: "Impossibile visualizzare la pagina". Il firewall è disattivato e non ho ancora l'antivirus; mi collego con un router Netgear Dg834g, già settato.
La connessione è attiva e funzionante, solo che non riesce a collegarsi con siti che abbiano a che fare con la Microsoft. Di fatto, adesso mi trovo un sistema operativo nuovo ma completamente privo di aggiornamenti, quindi molto vulnerabile.
Menonomale che ho Linux con cui fare praticamente tutto, altrimenti sarebbe stato come fare sesso senza preservativo... rischi a palla! :lol:.
Preciso che è tutto originale (l'ho pagato all'acquisto del pc, ormai nel lontano novembre 2004); mi ha sempre funzionato bene, dopo ogni formattazione. Non capisco perché faccia così.
Grazie :!:.
Utente Senior
Post: 251
Iscritto il: 15/08/07 16:20


Re: Aggiornamenti automatici fuori uso

Postdi quizface » 27/01/10 19:13

Guarda se qualche burlone ti ha modificato il file hosts
lo puoi aprire col blocco notes e in originale deve essere cosi'
Codice: Seleziona tutto
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# Questo è un esempio di file HOSTS usato da Microsoft TCP/IP per Windows.
# Questo file contiene la mappatura degli indirizzi IP ai nomi host.
# Ogni voce dovrebbe occupare una singola riga. L'indirizzo IP dovrebbe
# trovarsi nella prima colonna seguito dal nome host corrispondente.
# L'indirizzo e il nome host dovrebbero essere separati da almeno uno spazio
# o punto di tabulazione.
# È inoltre possibile inserire commenti (come questi) nelle singole righe
# o dopo il nome del computer caratterizzato da un simbolo '#'.
# Per esempio:
#          # server origine
#              # client host x   localhost
Se non siete sicuri di quello che scrivete, non scrivete niente, nessuno vi obbliga ed eviterete di confondere chi gia' e' confuso. Ciao..ciao
Avatar utente
Utente Senior
Post: 15071
Iscritto il: 03/10/04 00:36

Re: Aggiornamenti automatici fuori uso

Postdi usag » 27/01/10 22:06

Ho controllato, è identico al tuo.
Utente Senior
Post: 251
Iscritto il: 15/08/07 16:20

Re: Aggiornamenti automatici fuori uso

Postdi usag » 28/01/10 00:26

Provo a postare, sperando che sia una buona idea, il file log di "Windows Update", contenuto nella directory di Windows:

" 2010-01-26 18:32:34+0100 272 330 CreateService for wuauserv succeeded
2010-01-26 18:37:42+0100 864 658 Service Main starts
2010-01-26 18:37:46+0100 864 658 Using BatchFlushAge = 24492.
2010-01-26 18:37:46+0100 864 658 Using SamplingValue = 783.
2010-01-26 18:37:46+0100 864 658 Successfully loaded event namespace dictionary.
2010-01-26 18:37:46+0100 864 658 Successfully loaded client event namespace descriptor.
2010-01-26 18:37:46+0100 864 658 Successfully initialized local event logger. Events will be logged at C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\ReportingEvents.log.
2010-01-26 18:37:46+0100 864 658 Successfully initialized NT event logger.
2010-01-26 18:37:46+0100 864 658 Successfully initialized event uploader 0.
2010-01-26 18:37:46+0100 864 658 Successfully initialized event uploader 1.
2010-01-26 18:37:46+0100 864 658 WU client with version 5.4.3790.2180 successfully initialized
2010-01-26 18:37:46+0100 864 658 Service status is now SERVICE_RUNNING
2010-01-26 18:38:31+0100 864 658 start delayed initialization of WU client
2010-01-26 18:38:32+0100 368 174 Trying to make out of proc datastore active
2010-01-26 18:38:34+0100 368 174 Service 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7 added
2010-01-26 18:38:34+0100 368 174 Service 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 added
2010-01-26 18:38:34+0100 368 174 Data store successfully created
2010-01-26 18:38:34+0100 368 174 Out of proc datastore is now active
2010-01-26 18:38:34+0100 864 658 Client Call Recorder finished delayed initialization
2010-01-26 18:38:34+0100 864 658 AU is not configured yet, generating timeout to launch setup wizard
2010-01-26 18:38:34+0100 864 658 AU finished delayed initialization
2010-01-26 18:38:54+0100 864 658 Cleared the proxy cache.
2010-01-26 18:38:57+0100 864 658 Cleared the proxy cache.
2010-01-26 18:39:20+0100 864 364 Service received logon notification
2010-01-26 18:39:20+0100 864 658 AU received event of 3
2010-01-26 18:39:21+0100 864 364 Service received connect notification
2010-01-26 18:39:21+0100 864 658 AU received event of 3
2010-01-26 18:41:27+0100 864 364 Service received SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP control
2010-01-26 18:41:27+0100 864 658 Exiting Service Main
2010-01-26 18:41:27+0100 368 174 Out of proc datastore is shutting down
2010-01-26 18:41:27+0100 864 658 WUAUENG ServiceMain exits. Exit code is 0x240001
2010-01-26 18:41:28+0100 368 174 Out of proc datastore is now inactive
2010-01-26 18:55:05+0100 864 59c Service Main starts
2010-01-26 18:55:05+0100 864 59c Using BatchFlushAge = 24492.
2010-01-26 18:55:05+0100 864 59c Using SamplingValue = 783.
2010-01-26 18:55:05+0100 864 59c Successfully loaded event namespace dictionary.
2010-01-26 18:55:05+0100 864 59c Successfully loaded client event namespace descriptor.
2010-01-26 18:55:05+0100 864 59c Successfully initialized local event logger. Events will be logged at C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\ReportingEvents.log.
2010-01-26 18:55:05+0100 864 59c Successfully initialized NT event logger.
2010-01-26 18:55:05+0100 864 59c Successfully initialized event uploader 0.
2010-01-26 18:55:05+0100 864 59c Successfully initialized event uploader 1.
2010-01-26 18:55:05+0100 864 59c WU client with version 5.4.3790.2180 successfully initialized
2010-01-26 18:55:05+0100 864 59c Service status is now SERVICE_RUNNING
2010-01-26 18:55:06+0100 968 ec Trying to make out of proc datastore active
2010-01-26 18:55:06+0100 968 ec Out of proc datastore is now active
2010-01-26 18:55:06+0100 864 710 Client Call Recorder finished delayed initialization
2010-01-26 18:55:06+0100 864 710 AU is not configured yet, generating timeout to launch setup wizard
2010-01-26 18:55:06+0100 864 710 AU finished delayed initialization
2010-01-26 18:55:06+0100 864 710 Setting AU Approval Type to 4
2010-01-26 18:55:06+0100 864 710 Setting Install Schedule Day to 0
2010-01-26 18:55:06+0100 864 710 Setting Install Schedule Time to 22
2010-01-26 18:55:06+0100 864 710 AU Options changed through user preference.
2010-01-26 18:55:06+0100 864 710 AU Restart required....
2010-01-26 18:55:06+0100 864 59c AU received event of 1
2010-01-26 18:55:06+0100 864 59c Setting next AU detection timeout to 2010-01-26 17:55:06
2010-01-26 18:55:06+0100 864 59c Setting AU scheduled install time to 2010-01-26 21:00:00
2010-01-26 18:55:06+0100 864 59c AU received event of 1
2010-01-26 18:55:06+0100 864 59c WU client succeeds CClientCallRecorder::BeginFindUpdates from AutomaticUpdates with call id {7D8FAA53-AB3D-4DA0-9831-2EFE18CABA16}
2010-01-26 18:55:06+0100 864 370 WU client executing call {7D8FAA53-AB3D-4DA0-9831-2EFE18CABA16} of type Search Call
2010-01-26 18:55:06+0100 864 370 Checking for different Redirector at: ...
2010-01-26 18:55:07+0100 864 710 Setting AU Approval Type to 4
2010-01-26 18:55:07+0100 864 710 Setting Install Schedule Day to 0
2010-01-26 18:55:07+0100 864 710 Setting Install Schedule Time to 22
2010-01-26 18:55:07+0100 864 710 AU Options changed through user preference.
2010-01-26 18:55:07+0100 864 710 AU settings changed through User Preference.
2010-01-26 18:55:07+0100 864 710 Setting AU scheduled install time to 2010-01-26 21:00:00
2010-01-26 18:55:08+0100 864 370 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-26 18:55:08+0100 864 370 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-26 18:55:08+0100 864 370 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-26 18:55:08+0100 864 370 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-26 18:55:08+0100 864 370 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-26 18:55:08+0100 864 370 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-26 18:55:08+0100 864 370 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-26 18:55:08+0100 864 370 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-26 18:55:08+0100 864 370 DownloadFileInternal failed for ... error 0x80072ee7
2010-01-26 18:55:08+0100 864 370 Failed to download the Redirector cab on try 1: 0x80072ee7
2010-01-26 18:55:08+0100 864 370 Checking for different Redirector at: ...
2010-01-26 18:55:11+0100 864 370 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-26 18:55:11+0100 864 370 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-26 18:55:11+0100 864 370 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-26 18:55:11+0100 864 370 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-26 18:55:11+0100 864 370 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-26 18:55:11+0100 864 370 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-26 18:55:11+0100 864 370 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-26 18:55:11+0100 864 370 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-26 18:55:11+0100 864 370 DownloadFileInternal failed for ... error 0x80072ee7
2010-01-26 18:55:11+0100 864 370 Failed to download the Redirector cab on try 2: 0x80072ee7
2010-01-26 18:55:11+0100 864 370 Checking for different Redirector at:
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 DownloadFileInternal failed for error 0x80072ee7
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 Failed to download the Redirector cab on try 3: 0x80072ee7
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 GetWuidentUrlFromRedirector failed due to error 0x80072ee7
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 IsUpdateRequired failed with error 0x8024402c
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 PT: Using serverID {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 Checking for different Redirector at: ...
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 DownloadFileInternal failed for ... error 0x80072ee7
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 Failed to download the Redirector cab on try 1: 0x80072ee7
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 Checking for different Redirector at: ...
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 DownloadFileInternal failed for ... error 0x80072ee7
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 Failed to download the Redirector cab on try 2: 0x80072ee7
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 Checking for different Redirector at:
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 DownloadFileInternal failed for error 0x80072ee7
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 Failed to download the Redirector cab on try 3: 0x80072ee7
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 WU client failed Searching for update with error 0x8024402c
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 Search Callback Failed, hr is 0x8024402c
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 Setting next AU detection timeout to 2010-01-26 22:55:13
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 Setting AU scheduled install time to 2010-01-26 21:00:00
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 WU client calls back to search call AutomaticUpdates with code Call failed and error 0x8024402c
2010-01-26 18:55:13+0100 864 370 WU client completed and deleted call {7D8FAA53-AB3D-4DA0-9831-2EFE18CABA16}
2010-01-26 18:55:50+0100 864 59c start delayed initialization of WU client
2010-01-26 19:00:13+0100 968 ec Out of proc datastore is shutting down
2010-01-26 19:00:14+0100 968 ec Out of proc datastore is now inactive
2010-01-26 19:04:06+0100 864 364 Service received logoff notification
2010-01-26 19:04:06+0100 864 59c AU received event of 3
2010-01-26 19:04:09+0100 528 214 0 updates are ready to be installed at shutdown.
2010-01-26 19:04:11+0100 864 710 AU Restart required....
2010-01-26 19:04:11+0100 864 59c AU received event of 1
2010-01-26 19:04:11+0100 864 364 Service received SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN control
2010-01-26 19:04:11+0100 1304 7d4 Trying to make out of proc datastore active
2010-01-26 19:04:12+0100 1304 7d4 Out of proc datastore is now active
2010-01-26 19:04:12+0100 864 59c AU is paused, not initializing any handlers
2010-01-26 19:04:12+0100 864 59c AU Restart required....
2010-01-26 19:04:12+0100 864 59c Exiting Service Main
2010-01-26 19:04:12+0100 1304 7d4 Out of proc datastore is shutting down
2010-01-26 19:04:12+0100 864 59c WUAUENG ServiceMain exits. Exit code is 0x240001
2010-01-26 19:04:13+0100 1304 7d4 Out of proc datastore is now inactive
2010-01-26 22:46:03+0100 868 610 Service Main starts
2010-01-26 22:46:03+0100 868 610 Using BatchFlushAge = 24492.
2010-01-26 22:46:03+0100 868 610 Using SamplingValue = 783.
2010-01-26 22:46:03+0100 868 610 Successfully loaded event namespace dictionary.
2010-01-26 22:46:04+0100 868 610 Successfully loaded client event namespace descriptor.
2010-01-26 22:46:04+0100 868 610 Successfully initialized local event logger. Events will be logged at C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\ReportingEvents.log.
2010-01-26 22:46:04+0100 868 610 Successfully initialized NT event logger.
2010-01-26 22:46:04+0100 868 610 Successfully initialized event uploader 0.
2010-01-26 22:46:04+0100 868 610 Successfully initialized event uploader 1.
2010-01-26 22:46:04+0100 868 610 WU client with version 5.4.3790.2180 successfully initialized
2010-01-26 22:46:04+0100 868 610 Service status is now SERVICE_RUNNING
2010-01-26 22:46:08+0100 868 368 Service received connect notification
2010-01-26 22:46:13+0100 868 368 Service received SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP control
2010-01-26 22:46:13+0100 868 610 Exiting Service Main
2010-01-26 22:46:13+0100 868 610 WUAUENG ServiceMain exits. Exit code is 0x240001
2010-01-26 23:24:01+0100 540 220 WUCheckForUpdatesAtShutdown failed, hr=8024000C
2010-01-26 23:24:03+0100 540 140 WUAutoUpdateAtShutdown failed, hr=8024000C
2010-01-27 00:09:52+0100 536 21c WUCheckForUpdatesAtShutdown failed, hr=8024000C
2010-01-27 00:09:53+0100 536 de8 WUAutoUpdateAtShutdown failed, hr=8024000C
2010-01-27 01:22:54+0100 548 228 WUCheckForUpdatesAtShutdown failed, hr=8024000C
2010-01-27 01:22:55+0100 548 840 WUAutoUpdateAtShutdown failed, hr=8024000C
2010-01-27 19:06:01+0100 548 228 WUCheckForUpdatesAtShutdown failed, hr=8024000C
2010-01-27 19:06:02+0100 548 9ec WUAutoUpdateAtShutdown failed, hr=8024000C
2010-01-27 23:30:48+0100 2308 ac4 ChangeServiceConfig for wuauserv succeeded
2010-01-27 23:31:27+0100 2308 884 ChangeServiceConfig for wuauserv succeeded
2010-01-27 23:31:57+0100 548 228 WUCheckForUpdatesAtShutdown failed, hr=8024000C
2010-01-27 23:31:58+0100 548 b94 WUAutoUpdateAtShutdown failed, hr=8024000C
2010-01-27 23:32:54+0100 908 680 Service Main starts
2010-01-27 23:32:58+0100 908 680 Using BatchFlushAge = 24492.
2010-01-27 23:32:58+0100 908 680 Using SamplingValue = 783.
2010-01-27 23:32:58+0100 908 680 Successfully loaded event namespace dictionary.
2010-01-27 23:33:01+0100 908 680 Successfully loaded client event namespace descriptor.
2010-01-27 23:33:01+0100 908 680 Successfully initialized local event logger. Events will be logged at C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\ReportingEvents.log.
2010-01-27 23:33:01+0100 908 680 Successfully initialized NT event logger.
2010-01-27 23:33:01+0100 908 680 Successfully initialized event uploader 0.
2010-01-27 23:33:01+0100 908 680 Successfully initialized event uploader 1.
2010-01-27 23:33:01+0100 908 680 WU client with version 5.4.3790.2180 successfully initialized
2010-01-27 23:33:01+0100 908 680 Service status is now SERVICE_RUNNING
2010-01-27 23:33:04+0100 908 390 Service received connect notification
2010-01-27 23:33:07+0100 908 390 Service received SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP control
2010-01-27 23:33:07+0100 908 680 Exiting Service Main
2010-01-27 23:33:07+0100 908 680 WUAUENG ServiceMain exits. Exit code is 0x240001
2010-01-28 00:05:48+0100 908 b04 Service Main starts
2010-01-28 00:05:48+0100 908 b04 Using BatchFlushAge = 24492.
2010-01-28 00:05:48+0100 908 b04 Using SamplingValue = 783.
2010-01-28 00:05:48+0100 908 b04 Successfully loaded event namespace dictionary.
2010-01-28 00:05:48+0100 908 b04 Successfully loaded client event namespace descriptor.
2010-01-28 00:05:48+0100 908 b04 Successfully initialized local event logger. Events will be logged at C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\ReportingEvents.log.
2010-01-28 00:05:48+0100 908 b04 Successfully initialized NT event logger.
2010-01-28 00:05:48+0100 908 b04 Successfully initialized event uploader 0.
2010-01-28 00:05:48+0100 908 b04 Successfully initialized event uploader 1.
2010-01-28 00:05:48+0100 908 b04 WU client with version 5.4.3790.2180 successfully initialized
2010-01-28 00:05:48+0100 908 b04 Service status is now SERVICE_RUNNING
2010-01-28 00:06:33+0100 908 b04 start delayed initialization of WU client
2010-01-28 00:06:33+0100 2872 aa8 Trying to make out of proc datastore active
2010-01-28 00:06:36+0100 2872 aa8 Service 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7 added
2010-01-28 00:06:36+0100 2872 aa8 Service 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 added
2010-01-28 00:06:36+0100 2872 aa8 Data store successfully created
2010-01-28 00:06:36+0100 2872 aa8 Out of proc datastore is now active
2010-01-28 00:06:36+0100 908 b04 Client Call Recorder finished delayed initialization
2010-01-28 00:06:36+0100 908 b04 Setting next AU detection timeout to 2010-01-27 23:06:36
2010-01-28 00:06:36+0100 908 b04 Setting AU scheduled install time to 2010-01-28 21:00:00
2010-01-28 00:06:36+0100 908 b04 AU finished delayed initialization
2010-01-28 00:06:36+0100 908 b04 AU received event of 1
2010-01-28 00:06:36+0100 908 514 WU client executing call {27EC6432-4FDC-4FCA-8B6F-8C1E04C8E02F} of type Search Call
2010-01-28 00:06:36+0100 908 b04 WU client succeeds CClientCallRecorder::BeginFindUpdates from AutomaticUpdates with call id {27EC6432-4FDC-4FCA-8B6F-8C1E04C8E02F}
2010-01-28 00:06:36+0100 908 514 Checking for different Redirector at: ...
2010-01-28 00:06:38+0100 908 514 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-28 00:06:38+0100 908 514 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-28 00:06:38+0100 908 514 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-28 00:06:38+0100 908 514 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-28 00:06:38+0100 908 514 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-28 00:06:38+0100 908 514 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-28 00:06:38+0100 908 514 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-28 00:06:38+0100 908 514 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-28 00:06:38+0100 908 514 DownloadFileInternal failed for ... error 0x80072ee7
2010-01-28 00:06:38+0100 908 514 Failed to download the Redirector cab on try 1: 0x80072ee7
2010-01-28 00:06:38+0100 908 514 Checking for different Redirector at: ...
2010-01-28 00:06:40+0100 908 514 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-28 00:06:40+0100 908 514 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-28 00:06:40+0100 908 514 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-28 00:06:40+0100 908 514 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-28 00:06:40+0100 908 514 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-28 00:06:40+0100 908 514 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-28 00:06:40+0100 908 514 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-28 00:06:40+0100 908 514 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-28 00:06:40+0100 908 514 DownloadFileInternal failed for ... error 0x80072ee7
2010-01-28 00:06:40+0100 908 514 Failed to download the Redirector cab on try 2: 0x80072ee7
2010-01-28 00:06:40+0100 908 514 Checking for different Redirector at:
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 DownloadFileInternal failed for error 0x80072ee7
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 Failed to download the Redirector cab on try 3: 0x80072ee7
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 GetWuidentUrlFromRedirector failed due to error 0x80072ee7
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 IsUpdateRequired failed with error 0x8024402c
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 PT: Using serverID {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 Checking for different Redirector at: ...
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 DownloadFileInternal failed for ... error 0x80072ee7
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 Failed to download the Redirector cab on try 1: 0x80072ee7
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 Checking for different Redirector at: ...
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 DownloadFileInternal failed for ... error 0x80072ee7
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 Failed to download the Redirector cab on try 2: 0x80072ee7
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 Checking for different Redirector at:
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 Send failed with hr = 80072ee7.
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 SendRequest failed with hr = 80072ee7. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)>
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 DownloadFileInternal failed for error 0x80072ee7
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 Failed to download the Redirector cab on try 3: 0x80072ee7
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 WU client failed Searching for update with error 0x8024402c
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 Search Callback Failed, hr is 0x8024402c
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 Setting next AU detection timeout to 2010-01-28 04:06:43
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 Setting AU scheduled install time to 2010-01-28 21:00:00
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 WU client calls back to search call AutomaticUpdates with code Call failed and error 0x8024402c
2010-01-28 00:06:43+0100 908 514 WU client completed and deleted call {27EC6432-4FDC-4FCA-8B6F-8C1E04C8E02F} "

Questo è tutto quello che è successo da quando ho formattato, quindi c'è tutto. Spero possa essere utile.
Grazie davvero!

P.S. Non riesce a collegarsi neanche ai siti ufficiali degli antivirus, li ho provati quasi tutti!
Utente Senior
Post: 251
Iscritto il: 15/08/07 16:20

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