
REPORT delle scansioni con PREVX e FIXLINKOPT (Symantec)

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Moderatori: m.paolo, kadosh, Luke57

REPORT delle scansioni con PREVX e FIXLINKOPT (Symantec)

Postdi cammello5 » 01/12/06 19:12

Allego i due report richiesti ....

Removal tool loaded into memory
Executing rootkit removal engine....
Disabling rootkit file: \\?\C:\WINDOWS\system32\com2.mjd
Resetting file permissions...
Clearing attributes...
Removing file...
Rootkit removed! Cleaning up...

Removing temp files...
Scanning: C:\WINDOWS
Scanning: C:\Programmi\File comuni

Trojan.Gromozon Removed!

e quello di SYMANTEC...
Symantec Trojan.Linkoptimizer Removal Tool 1.0.8
Restored SeDebugPrivilege to Administrators group

C:\WINDOWS\xcrkn1.dll: (deleted)
C:\Programmi\Windows NT\lpt3.exe: (deleted)
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{CDE5AAC6-A7E3-4123-B05C-324FF663BA6C}\RP2\A0001458.dll: (deleted)
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{CDE5AAC6-A7E3-4123-B05C-324FF663BA6C}\RP2\A0001459.exe: (deleted)

Trojan.Linkoptimizer has been successfully removed from your computer!

Here is the report:

The total number of the scanned files: 46097
The number of deleted threat files: 4
The number of threat processes terminated: 0
The number of threat threads terminated: 0
The number of registry entries fixed: 0

The tool initiated a system reboot.

registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\AppInit_DLLs (cleared)

Ringrazio sin d'ora a chi esaminerà questi report...

ciao a tutti
Utente Junior
Post: 31
Iscritto il: 01/12/06 06:32


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