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Q: I am trying to backup to a CD-RW but I get an error that says "Destination directory no found". Why?
A: This program doesn't include a driver to use with a CD burner. That's why you cannot backup directly onto a CD-RW. Backup onto your hard drive and then you can manually burn the backup onto the CD using your favorit burning software. There are some 3rd party programs as Adaptec Direct CD (Direct Write) which can make it possible for Cobian Backup to interact directly with your CD burner. If you have this or other similar software installed, you can backup directly onto your burner. Be aware that Cobian Backup is a multithreaded program and therefore multiple threads may be accessing your CD at the same time. When zipping, the WHOLE zip operation will go into the destination directory, and your CD may become unreadable or corrupted. The bottom line is : do NOT backup directly to a CD-RW.
Non lo uso proprio quel prog. Comunque dato che loro stessi sconsigliano l'integrazione che si potrebbe fare con Adaptec Direct CD ti direi di fare tutto a mano.
Non ho dati importanti da backuppare in modo automatizzato. Al massimo mi esporto preferiti, mail, contatti e poco altro nella cartella dei programmi scaricati, che metto su CD multi-sessione quando arrivano a 200 Mb circa.