Dal manuale che ti ho postato pag. 37
To configure the Routed Ethernet connection over ATM, follow these steps:
1. Select 'Routed Ethernet Connection over ATM (ETHoA)' from the
'Connection Type' combo-box
2. Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) should provide you with the following information:
- Specify the value of the VPI and VCI parameters.
- Select the encapsulation method from the combo-box. You can choose
among the following methods: LLC, VCMux.
- Select the Internet Protocol: Most Internet Service Providers (ISPs) provide
dynamic IP addresses, hence the default "Obtain an IP Address Automatically".
Should this not be the case, select the "Use the Following IP Address"
option. The screen will refresh. Enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default
Gateway, and DNS Server details provided to you by your ISP.
Per intenderci
http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/5789/quicksetup.pngla prima voce e' sbagliata devi mettere 'Routed Ethernet Connection over ATM (ETHoA)
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