
Stupidate varie rilassanti

Forum in cui potersi conoscere parlando di argomenti non legati all'informatica. Se siete qui per le prima volta e non conoscete ancora nessuno allora presentatevi e facciamo quattro chiacchiere.

Postdi dado » 13/12/03 19:32

Volete mettere con DADO?! :D

dado is preparing to launch his next album
dado is cut with the rip fence in the same exact position
dado is releasing his trance productions under this name since 1995
dado is included in the group of most recent newcomers
dado is always looking for writers who are interested in writing a feature article to be published on these pages
dado is viewed on end
dado is correct
dado is to be located
dado is cut into the sides
dado is then cut along the resulting notch
dado is still idle
dado is inspired by similar motivation to implicit parameters and the differences between the two derive from dado’s distributed nature
dado is important
dado is predominantly a dull black color but that fades into white in various places on her body
dado is between the fence and the 10" blade
dado is knit wearing a red top and blue pants
dado is to be wallpapered
dado is appropriate for your porch? look at neighbouring
dado is a clean enough surface to glue properly
dado is also quarry
dado is accomplished by scotia
dado is credited with developing several key semiconductor technologies and is regarded as a silicon valley visionary
dado is trickier in that i prefer a rectangular prism to a cube
dado is the world's best with 24 teeth on the outer blades
dado is cut across the grain
dado is a joint where the wood is notched out of the flat side of a board to accept the edge of another board
dado is enclosed in a new bright red
dado is trusted by
dado is the process of helping one to appreciate the tea
dado is a self
dado is a groove across the board
dado is cut on this first clock case
dado is outlined with black marble lining to enhance its artistic effectiveness on a wall of red sandstone
dado is known for
dado is a new york city
dado is made with cyma recta and torus moldings
dado is made by cyma and torus moldings
dado is easily fixed with adhesive
dado is tough on the outside but soft on the inside
dado is now working on an interpretation
dado is located
dado is a constant fight of will amid the struggles and difficulties of daily living
dado is a massively parallel
dado is the best choice
dado is smooth
dado is cut in these at the same time a dado is cut into the bottom cabinet plywood
dado is always across the grain of the wood and a groove is always with the grain
dado is also effective against tumors in which only 20% of the cells express e
dado is for
dado is focused on the professional interior or landscape designer
dado is one of the most important painters living in france
dado is found on the frieze
dado is now employed by a local humanitarian organization where he assists refugees and displaced persons living in sarajevo
dado is unique and unmistakable
dado is so close to each other you might want to combine the two and call out one color for both of them
dado is focusing on plant quality
dado is intact
dado is the fearless leader
dado is
dado is an internal non
dado is ook eigenaar van internet
dado is releasing his second full
dado is one of silicon valley's best
dado is inset 3/4" to accommodate what is called the nailer
dado is being provided
dado is of recent construction from wood obtained from the redundant church of st margaret at westwick
dado is frédéric holyszewski
dado is cut
dado is cut in the end of the jig
dado is a groove cut in the face of one board to accommodate the thickness of another board
dado is the area below a chair or plate rail; we've discussed the frieze previously; and the fill is the area between the two
dado is 5/16"
dado is opening the compilation
dado is flat bottomed and evenly cut
dado is a bit of an old hat when it comes to progressive dance
dado is visible at the left
dado is still better known on the continent of europe than in north america
dado is a slot cut across the grain of the wood whereas a groove is cut with the grain
dado is used to describe a square or rectangular channel on the face or edge of a piece of wood with a saw or router
dado is barely noticeable and it really wasn't worth the extra trouble
dado is back produced by his 'old' manager salvatore cusato assisted by dieffe publishing italy
dado is one of the painter we most work with
dado is a recently divorsed vet and consequently free and a litlle disoriented by having to start from scratch in his private life
dado is required on both sides of work piece
dado is trying to make music that is exciting for only the first minute that you listen to it
dado is also original
dado is crumbling along the floor
dado is conceived as the three
dado is the breastwork
dado is a
dado is 1/8'' deeper than glass thickness

La migliore è: DADO IS !! 8)

House: "Vede, tutti pensano che sia un paziente a causa del bastone"
Wilson: "Allora perchè non indossa un camice bianco come tutti noi?"
House: "Perchè altrimenti pensano che sia un medico".
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Utente Senior
Post: 16208
Iscritto il: 21/08/01 01:00
Località: La Città dei Sette Assedi


Postdi pjfry » 13/12/03 22:16

sto gioco è rotto... come sarebbe google non conosce pjfry!?!?!?! ma se ho 94 risultati... anche se l'unico inimitabile originale sono io, gli altri sono copie :roll:
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Iscritto il: 19/11/02 17:52
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Postdi h23 » 14/12/03 01:59

dado ha scritto:La migliore è: DADO IS !! 8)

Quella compare in tutte le liste.
E' l'affermazione ontologica della nostra esistenza in quanto utenti virtuali :D :lol:
"Noctis aeternae chaos, aversa superis regna manesque impios dominunque regni tristis et dominam fide meliore raptam, voce non fausta precor." (Seneca, Medea)
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Iscritto il: 16/12/02 17:30
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Postdi Mikizo » 14/12/03 12:43

Col mio nome proprio la lista batte quella di dado di un trilione di volte! :D :lol:
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Iscritto il: 05/01/02 01:00
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Postdi dado » 14/12/03 12:57

Mikizo ha scritto:Col mio nome proprio la lista batte quella di dado di un trilione di volte! :D :lol:

Ah bè... grazie! Così è facile! Allora il mio intaserebbe qualsiasi calcolatore con i suoi 10^10000000000000000000000000 risultati! :lol:
Ma parliamo di nick! 8) :P

House: "Vede, tutti pensano che sia un paziente a causa del bastone"
Wilson: "Allora perchè non indossa un camice bianco come tutti noi?"
House: "Perchè altrimenti pensano che sia un medico".
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Utente Senior
Post: 16208
Iscritto il: 21/08/01 01:00
Località: La Città dei Sette Assedi

Postdi Triumph Of Steel » 14/12/03 19:00


triumph of steel is perhaps the
triumph of steel is my no 1
triumph of steel is different but good and kings of metal is so
triumph of steel is right
triumph of steel is 9
triumph of steel is certainly the best manowar album and they are the kings of epic metal along with the likes of blind guardian

e vabbè... invece per ThoR forse le più belle sono:

thor is there to help if a problem is encountered on the road ;) 8)
thor is wanted for 233 counts of first degree murder :eeh:
thor is the ultimate weapon of destruction in subspace :eeh:
thor is a pantheist thor is a democratic socialist thor is a pound puppy thor was charged on credit thor was 'fixed' thor :eeh:
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Triumph Of Steel
Post: 7852
Iscritto il: 22/08/01 01:00

Postdi kadosh » 14/12/03 19:20

kadosh israeli movie about women in
kadosh is a love story
kadosh is a stirring
kadosh is an exquisite portrait of a rarely touched subject
kadosh is just about the least sexy film on the subject of male
kadosh is an integral part of the object
kadosh is an example of this
kadosh is a serious and sensitive drama that is beautifully acted by yael abecassis as rivka
kadosh is built primarily from long
kadosh is situated in mea shearim
kadosh is a beautifully made and balanced film
kadosh is a woman's film that all movie
kadosh is associated with loftiness
kadosh is aware of his
kadosh is consistently translated as holy
kadosh is
kadosh is successful
kadosh is commonly translated as holy
kadosh is set in the mea sherim quarter of jerusalem
kadosh is both a powerful drama and an impassioned
kadosh is viewed as the exception
kadosh is such stillness
kadosh is available on cd
kadosh is full of sex
kadosh is het derde deel uit de trilogie van de israëlische regisseur amos gitaï
kadosh is presented in stereo
kadosh is composed mostly of close interiors; outdoor scenes
kadosh is filmed with a master’s
kadosh is performing at the
kadosh is just as concerned with onboard space utilization as he is with style and appearance
kadosh is because when the structures were initially built
kadosh is that orthodox jews view female impurity as the sole cause of infertility
kadosh is the story of two sisters rivka
kadosh is controversial because of the
kadosh is used in the torah
kadosh is een film die het persoonlijke aangrijpend politiek maakt
kadosh is te zien in amsterdam
kadosh is a hebrew word meaning the sacred place within you
kadosh is repeatedly mentioned in parshat kedoshim
kadosh is the latest contribution to this genre
kadosh is the tzitzit – numbers 15
kadosh is applied constantly throughout the book to ordinary people
kadosh is not an actor
kadosh is the hebrew word “holy”
kadosh is his first fiction feature
kadosh is sure to inspire vibrant post
kadosh is a harsh cinematic commentary on the uncontrolled power of an unyielding
kadosh is used for the first time
kadosh is recited
kadosh is hopeful about a new project being constructed by dagan and his crew of co
kadosh is real
kadosh is 62 years old and didn’t gain any trophy
kadosh is said
kadosh is the head of the community
kadosh is a polemical and somewhat
kadosh is a nuanced
kadosh is this kind of exciting movie
kadosh is very interested in the way religion provides a framework for an entire system of dominance that extends into family
kadosh is adonai "02"
kadosh is their struggle
kadosh is the adjective
kadosh is open
kadosh is self
kadosh is an israeli woman; leila is iranian
kadosh is both a powerful drama and an impassioned feminist
kadosh is currently the rabbi of cong
kadosh is set against the almost never seen background of mea shearim
kadosh is a tale of love and rebellion in jerusalem's most closed orthodox community
kadosh is also sort of boring

Ch®is ˜˜˜˜ {~Up You® Life~}™ Semper Fidelis
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Postdi h23 » 14/12/03 20:59

rosaspina, che errore che hai fatto a postare quel sito... :D :lol:
"Noctis aeternae chaos, aversa superis regna manesque impios dominunque regni tristis et dominam fide meliore raptam, voce non fausta precor." (Seneca, Medea)
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Iscritto il: 16/12/02 17:30
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Postdi Triumph Of Steel » 14/12/03 23:18

Kadosh ha scritto:kadosh is 62 years old and didn’t gain any trophy

mhmh complimenti però, li porti davvero bene :D
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Triumph Of Steel
Post: 7852
Iscritto il: 22/08/01 01:00

Postdi Frengo78 » 17/12/03 10:26

Dio che gnocca ragazzi!!!
Knowledge is a weapon
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Post: 8985
Iscritto il: 16/07/02 08:41
Località: Torino

Postdi BianConiglio » 17/12/03 11:45

haua alcuni son fatti veramente bene hauauah
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Iscritto il: 26/12/01 01:00
Località: Varese / Lugano

Postdi dado » 17/12/03 13:14

Frengo78 ha scritto:

Dio che gnocca ragazzi!!!

Basta mettere loro in testa il classico sacchetto del pane, e poi via.... :lol: :lol:

House: "Vede, tutti pensano che sia un paziente a causa del bastone"
Wilson: "Allora perchè non indossa un camice bianco come tutti noi?"
House: "Perchè altrimenti pensano che sia un medico".
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Post: 16208
Iscritto il: 21/08/01 01:00
Località: La Città dei Sette Assedi

Postdi h23 » 17/12/03 15:27

fre', davvero geniale il link!
In alcune immagini non si riesce nemmeno a distinguere il fotomontaggio.
Direi quasi che il nostro amico Bush arrotonda in questo modo lo stipendio :D :lol: :D
"Noctis aeternae chaos, aversa superis regna manesque impios dominunque regni tristis et dominam fide meliore raptam, voce non fausta precor." (Seneca, Medea)
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Post: 1349
Iscritto il: 16/12/02 17:30
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Postdi BianConiglio » 17/12/03 17:26

lasciatemi stare bush :mmmh:

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Post: 4710
Iscritto il: 26/12/01 01:00
Località: Varese / Lugano

Postdi hexen » 17/12/03 19:31

Come si è fatto su un altro forum, perché non accumulare le cazzate giuntaci sul telefono da amici che hanno Christmas Card o altre promozioni di messaggi gratis?

(Ikkias la xmas card costa 7 eurozzi :eeh: )
Comincio io:

Ti cercano tutti, abbiamo bisogno di te, dove ti nascondi, nno possiamo fare il presepe senza asino!

Voglio farlo con te, si proprio con te, so che sai farlo benissimo, dai sarà bellissimo farlo insieme... l'albero di Natale!

ora non me ne vengono altre, alla prossima arricchirò il mio contributo ;)
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Post: 1340
Iscritto il: 15/07/02 11:10

Postdi Triumph Of Steel » 17/12/03 19:43

a me era arrivata:

Le donne si sono evolute tecnologicamente. L'ultima a cui ho chiesto "Me la dai", mi ha risposto: "Dartela no, ma se vuoi te la masterizzo"! :eeh:
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Triumph Of Steel
Post: 7852
Iscritto il: 22/08/01 01:00

Postdi Rosaspina » 17/12/03 21:37

a me tra gli altri è arrivato questo
il wwf ha lanciato un appello disperato attraverso i media di tutto il mondo:fuggito l'ultimo esemplare di babbuino dallo zoo di Roma.Non fare cavolate,torna a casa.
Nulla da dichiarare
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Iscritto il: 16/09/01 01:00
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Postdi pjfry » 17/12/03 22:32

Triumph Of Steel ha scritto:Le donne si sono evolute tecnologicamente. L'ultima a cui ho chiesto "Me la dai", mi ha risposto: "Dartela no, ma se vuoi te la masterizzo"! :eeh:

:lol: :lol:
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Iscritto il: 19/11/02 17:52
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Postdi Johnny.Bravo » 17/12/03 23:39

Guardate un po' qua... volete dei suggerimenti.... :lol:
"Certa gente dice che io devo essere una persona orribile. Non è vero. Io ho il cuore di un giovane ragazzo... sul mio tavolo."
Stephen King
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Iscritto il: 27/11/03 17:01
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Postdi Frengo78 » 18/12/03 21:01

nn mi va di cercarmele su siti specifici, è piu divertente quando ti arrivano cosi
Knowledge is a weapon
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Post: 8985
Iscritto il: 16/07/02 08:41
Località: Torino


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