
Errore MMSYSTEM296

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Moderatori: Dylan666, hydra, gahan

Errore MMSYSTEM296

Postdi mikilion » 21/12/03 15:30

Perchè in Propietà/Anteprima di qualsiasi file AVI mi dà il seguente errore:
"MMSYSTEM296 Impossibile riprodurre il file specificato sulla periferica MCI indicata. Il file potrebbe essere danneggiato o".
Inoltre in Propietà/Dettagli non vengono mostrate le caratteristiche come la lunghezza supporto, formato audio e video ma il seguente messaggio:
"File non valido o danneggiato".
Ciò non toglie la normale riproduzione sul Player di Win(98SE).
Utente Senior
Post: 237
Iscritto il: 24/09/02 10:00
Località: Bari


Proprietà dei file AVI

Postdi Dylan666 » 21/12/03 16:30


The file could not be played on the specified MCI device...

Problem: The error occurs if the AVI-filetype is no longer, or incorrectly specified in your registry.

There can be two causes for this:
1. You removed it by removing the file extension type in the windows explorer.

When you do that the system will not only remove the ability to double-click an AVI file to view it; it will also remove the registry entries for AVIFILE in your registry, thus the ability to see AVI-video files.
(view > options > filetypes > remove)

2. An application removed it. You installed a program that registered itself as the default opener for AVI files. The error can occur after installing Activemovie. This program 'takes over' the 'standard' Mediaplayer, but what's even worse; it changes important keys in your registry. The result: Your system won't recognise AVI-video files anymore and you'll get the error.

Download the AVIFILE.REGfrom this web site and execute (open) it. Executing (running) this file will automatically insert all the keys for you.
(This patch works under Windows'95, Windows'95r2 and Windows'98, not tested in NT).

NB: Era il contenuto della PRIMA pagina fornita da Google cercando la parola MMSYSTEM296...
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Postdi mikilion » 21/12/03 21:07

OK risolto. Grazie.
Utente Senior
Post: 237
Iscritto il: 24/09/02 10:00
Località: Bari

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