Guarda... anch'io nella cartelli programmi ho quella cartella xerox con sottocartella relativa. E' vuota. Non è nè uno spyware nè un virus xè sul mio pc non alloggiano cose simili. Quindi ne deduco sia una cosa totalmente innocua! Dormi tranquillo.
Se cmq vuoi leggerti qcosa (in inglese) al riguardo, vai
La parte conclusiva della discussione dice:
There is no definitive explanation why this folder appears when XP is
installed. The best explanation I have seen is that it is associated with
some kind of obscure license agreement between Microsoft and Xerox for the
Windows Image Aquisition Service.
What is true about this folder:
It is protected by Windows System File Protection and cannot be deleted.
Actually, it can be deleted from outside Windows, but it will be replaced
when XP is restarted.
It is 0 bytes, so it does not take up any space.
It is best to simply ignore it.
It does no harm and is not associated with any virus.
I have seen at least one curious/paranoid person completely trash their
system trying to get rid of it.