Moderatori: Dylan666, hydra, gahan
Version 1.1.2
Readme and Usage Guide
---- Contents:
1) Purpose
2) Instructions
3) User Question
4) Bugs and Leave-Outs
5) Contact Information
6) Credits
---- Purpose:
InFileFind is designed to allow one to quickly search for text inside of certain files. InFileFind not only lets one search for a single word or phrase, but lets the user set certain conditions for acceptable files by allowing a boolean operator in the "Search String"
such as AND / OR.
Another advantage of InFileFind is it's speed, even on low end machines, and the small amount of system resources taken up by the program.
---- Instructions:
Required Arguments:
The "Search Drive" Box allows the user to choose which drive will be searched. This includes CD ROMS and Floppy Drives, as well as Hard Drives and their Partitions. The "Search Path" Box sets the starting directory of search; no value is the root directory (i.e. "C:\"). The "File Type" box features a list of common file searches, but allows one to enter anything one wishes.
Optional Arguments:
The "Search String" box is optional. Leave it blank to simply search for files that fit the "File Type" criteria. If one wants to find all files containing a word or phrase, enter that word, in quotations, in the "Search String" box. To find all files containing two different words or phrases, enter each word or phrase in seperate quotes seperated by the word AND. To find all files containing one word or the other, enter each word or phrase in seperate quotes seperated by the word OR. To find all files containing one word and not the other word, enter the first word or phrase in quotes seperated by the word NOT. The second word or phrase will be discluded.
The "Search in Subdirectories" check box allows you to search all subdirectories (Startting with the "Search Path" and going through each, or to simply search the current directory (as denoted by "Search Path"). The "Search for Whole Word" box allows you to search for the search string(s) as a whole word(s).
To Search the "C" Drive and Start in the "Temp" Directory, select "C:" from the "Search Drive" list and type Temp for the "Search Path" box. (The correct syntax for the "Search Path" box is \Dir\, but InFileFind Will automatically add starting and ending slashes for you.)
To Search for all file's with the word "ME" in the name, select the drive and search path, then enter *ME*.* as the "File Type". "*" is the "Wildcard" Operator.
To Search For all Text Files on Drive C containg the Words "This" and "That", select drive C, enter *.txt (or choose the first entry in the list) under "File Type" and type "This" and "That" for the Search String.
- After Setting up Your Search, Select "Search"
- To clear Everything and Start Fresh, Select "Search"
- To Open a Found File, Double Click it
- To Copy a file's path, select it (single click) then right
click and Select "Copy Address"
(You may Also Open Files This Way)
- To Clear only the List, Right Click and Select "Clear"
---- User Question
As you will see below, there is much that I wanted to include in this program still, but first, I needed to start getting some responses from users and see what they felt. So please, email me and tell me exactly what you think of the program.
---- Bugs and Leave-Outs
The only bug in the program to date is that if you search with "Whole Word", the program does not recognize the first word in a file as a whole word.
The program does not search for text inside .Doc files due to formatting and encryption of .Doc files. The extraction method is unknown to me, but if any one knows, I would appreciate the information!!!
The program does not display hidden or system files.
Sort of hidden in the list, is a Column that displays the number of times a word was found in a file. This may be usefull in future versions to allow the user to set limits on how many times a word can appear in a file.
The window cannot be resized. This was deemed unnescessary for this version.
The list does not include a Column for File Attributes.
Certain options were taken out, such as "Delete All" "Open First" and "Open All".
If you close the program without clicking stop, a Index Out Of Bounds error pops up. Ignore it.
---- Contact Information:
Vortex Software Message Board: Http://WWW.VortexSoftware.F2s.Com/Cgi-Bin/Ikonboard.cgi
---- Credits:
Merlin Corey For nearly all the code
Paul Turner for the Idea and Beta Testing
Vortex for the Cool Graphic, Beta Testing, and Readme fixing
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