
non riesco a visulizzare più i file icon .ico nelle dir

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non riesco a visulizzare più i file icon .ico nelle dir

Postdi ilvampiro » 19/07/04 16:06

ho installato un software che gestiva anche le icone (acdsee 6.0) e a quel punto si è legato alle .ico che quindi non riesco più a visualizzare nella directory.

Ho tolto l'associazione al programma, (sono andato in associazione file) ma adesso i file .ico non evidenziano più la loro icona.

Sapete mica come ripristinare la situazione iniziale ??

Ho windows 2000 server

Grazie per eventuale collaborazione.

il vampiro italiano ........ 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
il vampiro italiano IsDp 1992-2007 (c)
world wide web work (wwww)
Utente Senior
Post: 175
Iscritto il: 16/07/02 13:52


Postdi Dylan666 » 19/07/04 16:32

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Iscritto il: 18/11/03 16:46

grazie ho trovato proprio quello che cercavo ....

Postdi ilvampiro » 19/07/04 17:25

riporto di seguito il passaggio che cercavo, a volte servisse a qualcun'altro :

A quick note of thanks, KDivad... ACDSee invades your files types if you're not careful during setup, and takes over .ico as well as >30 more types. I removed the file type instead of changing the default program, but found your repair fix here at Annoyances. My O/S is Win98 but the reg config you gave worked fine. Richard

On Monday, February 25, 2002 at 7:06 am, KDivad Leahcim wrote:
>Chances are, you installed a program that modified the association for ico files
>and then did not restore that association properly (or at all) when you removed
>1. Open the Registry Editor (regedit.exe).
>2. Open the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (HKCR) key.
>3. Scroll down to the .ico key. If it exists, skip to step 6.
>4. Create an .ico key.
>5. Set the default value to "icofile" (without quotes).
>6. Scroll down to the key whose name matches the default value in HKCR\.ico.
>7. If that key exists, skip to step 11.
>8. Create that key (HKCR\icofile).
>9. Set the default value to "Icon File" (without quotes).
>10. Create a new key under \icofile called "DefaultIcon" (without quotes).
>11. Modify the default value under HKCR\icofile\DefaultIcon to "%1" (without quotes).
>12. Close regedit.
>Structure should look somewhat like this:
> "icofile"
> "Icon File"
> "%1"
>Note that "icofile" is unimportant as long as both instances match. "Icon File"
>also unimportant, this is just what is shown for the file's type.
>Change takes place immediately. Display may not refresh until reboot, however. TweakUI's
>Rebuild Icons will force an immediate refresh.
>"%1" can be used to make the following file types show a built-in icon or a thumbnail
>for an icon:
>bmp (thumbnail)

il vampiro italiano 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
il vampiro italiano IsDp 1992-2007 (c)
world wide web work (wwww)
Utente Senior
Post: 175
Iscritto il: 16/07/02 13:52

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