di dado » 04/04/02 21:12
Se hai il cd (originale o no) di ME, segui qs procedura (il sito da cui l'ho presa è inglese... spero tu lo conosca!):
Windows ME
The utility "SFC" (System File Checker) does not exist in Windows ME.
The correct procedure to restore the file SULFNBK.EXE is as follows:
1.) Insert the Windows ME Installation CD. Cancel the Setup program if it starts.
2.) Open MY COMPUTER. Right click on the CD-ROM drive that contains the WinME installation CD and select "Explore."
3.) Open the "Win9X" folder, and locate the file "PRECOPY1.CAB." Double click this file to open it.*
4.) Locate the file SULFNBK.EXE in this .CAB file. Right click on it and select "Extract."
5.) In the "Browse for Folder" dialog box, locate the "COMMAND" subdirectory in your Windows directory, e.g., "C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND."
6.) Click "OK" to extract the file.
Note: This procedure MAY NOT work if support for compressed folders is not installed in the Windows setup tab under "Add/Remove Software" in the Control Panel.
House: "Vede, tutti pensano che sia un paziente a causa del bastone"
Wilson: "Allora perchè non indossa un camice bianco come tutti noi?"
House: "Perchè altrimenti pensano che sia un medico".