
Virus da msn, è vero oppure no? O.o

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Virus da msn, è vero oppure no? O.o

Postdi BlackAngel » 27/08/04 07:28

Ciao, negli ultimi giorni su MSN stà girando questo messaggio:

Attenzione...Se "" ti aggiunge nei contatti di MSN, NON ACCETTARE , é 1 virus ! Ditelo a tutti perchè se qualcuno della tua lista prende il virus, verrai infettato anche tu ! sto mandando 1 mail a tutti i miei contatti fallo anche tu!

Ho cercato su google, ma trovo solo lo stesso messaggio. E' un virus oppure no? E poi come è possibile che sia un virus un contatto msn? :-?
Utente Senior
Post: 325
Iscritto il: 08/03/03 12:55
Località: Catania


Postdi dado » 27/08/04 11:49

Su google in effetti non si trovano risposte... mi sembra strano che nessuna casa produttrice di antivirus non accenni neppure al pericolo, quindi x ora rimango scettico. Poi, basterà aspettare qualche giorno x eventuali conferme/smentite...

House: "Vede, tutti pensano che sia un paziente a causa del bastone"
Wilson: "Allora perchè non indossa un camice bianco come tutti noi?"
House: "Perchè altrimenti pensano che sia un medico".
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Postdi amvinfe » 28/08/04 10:06


New Versions of the MSN Contact Virus Hoax

A number of new versions of the MSN contact virus hoax have been circulating over the last few weeks. The most popular one at the moment warns against adding "" to your MSN contact list.

There are a great many variations of this hoax, all equally false. The warnings are often the subject of online forum posts as well as forwarded emails and IM messages. I have received several examples in languages other than English, including Portuguese and German.

The number of versions alone is enough to strongly suggest that this is a hoax.

Furthermore, none of the versions actually name the "virus" nor do they provide any means of checking the veracity of the claim. None of the major anti-virus websites have information about a virus like the one described, except to identify it as a hoax.

Also, the technical aspects of the message are fundamentally flawed. Although it is possible for worms to spread via MSN Messenger, the message implies that the email address itself is a virus. This is not possible. To be infected, some sort of file transfer needs to take place. If Messenger was configured to automatically accept files from a contact list, then it is possible that a virus could be sent by this new and sinister "contact". But even if the virus was sent in this way, the recipient would still have to explicitly open the file before a computer was infected. Again, although it is possible to disguise a link to a malicious webpage in an HTML email so that it "looks" like an email address, the recipient would have to actually click on the link before any virus threat was downloaded.

If this was a real virus, the warning message would more than likely give details of how the actual transfer of the "virus" takes place and advise on how to avoid it. Instead, it states a technical impossibility.

Such hoaxes do nothing more than clutter up the information superhighway. These messages should be deleted without forwarding.

Two popular examples that are currently circulating:

yo the_western_vampire' adds you to your msn, dont accept it. its a virus. Tell everyone on ur msn because if somebody on ur list adds them u get the virus too, its a mutli threading virus capable of picking up random msn accounts of an infected user's msn list. Copy and paste this to EVERY ONE the_western_vampire' adds you to your msn, dont accept it. Its a virus.
Pensi d'avere un file infetto?
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Postdi 1diabolik1 » 28/08/04 11:52

Non vorrei essere impertinente ma era prevedibile
Non sottovalutate la potenza di Google
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Postdi BlackAngel » 28/08/04 15:43

Grazie :lol:
Utente Senior
Post: 325
Iscritto il: 08/03/03 12:55
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