Moderatori: Dylan666, hydra, gahan
Triumph Of Steel ha scritto:cmq per dire una stupidata... ma anche Windows Media Player legge i DVD.. o no?
Do you have a DVD drive attached to and properly configured in your computer? If you do, here is a little Registry hack which allows you to play your DVD movies using Microsoft Media Player2 v6.4 32-bit for Windows 9x/NT [3.5 MB, free]. After installing Mplayer2.exe, run Regedit and go to:
Right-click in the right hand pane -> select New -> String Value -> name it EnableDVDUI. Double-click on it -> type yes in the Value data box -> click OK. Close the Registry Editor and restart Windows when done. From now on you can open Media Player2 -> click File -> Open -> select DVD -> finally hit the Play button. You'll also notice a new DVD icon which shows the DVD menu when clicked.
You can also use the Microsoft free dedicated DVD Player included on the Windows 98/98 SE(U) Setup CD-ROM. Pop in your Setup CD (replace the CD-ROM/DVD drive letter if different on your system) and then run: EXTRACT /A /L %temp% D:\WIN98\BASE4.CAB DVD*.*
Now you should see these 5 files extracted into your TEMP directory (default is C:\Windows\Temp): DVDPLAY.CHM, DVDPLAY.CNT, DVDPLAY.EXE, DVDRGN.EXE and DVDPLAY.HLP. Move the .CHM, .CNT and .HLP files to C:\Windows\Help and the two executables (.EXE) to C:\Windows\System (if you installed Windows 98/98 SE into C:\Windows, otherwise sustitute the folder names to match yours). Create a shortcut to Dvdplay.exe, eventually on your Desktop, if you watch a lot of DVD movies.Note that you also need to install the 32-bit DVD Drivers/Codecs, i.e. Microsoft DirectX Media 6 or CineMaster, to be able to use ANY DVD player. DVDPlay is a primitive (lacks custom controls like brightness, color etc), but software based DVD player, and requires a fast CPU (Intel Pentium II/III/Celeron/Xeon or AMD K6/K7/Athlon) for optimal performance.
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