loadqm nella directory windows cos'e' ???
"It's the MSN Query Manager - You can read all about it at Microsoft's Web Site."
wcmdmgr in windows/wt/updater
What is Wcmdmgr.exe? Wcmdmgr.exe is an automated support engine for Wild Tangent’s web driver. The Wild Tangent web driver is a software driver that connects a user's multimedia hardware (video and sound card, CPU, memory) to the Internet. You can find out more about Wild Tangent online at
http://www.wildtangent.com/index.html and more about wcmdmgr.exe at its FAQ section at:
http://www.wildtangent.com/support/faq-general.htme poi mi carica in autostar sp.reg da windows : regedit -s c:/windows/sp.reg
Ahia, guai.
"Sp.reg is not a Windows file but is supplied by the virus.(same for sp.dll)"
No, aspe':
"Unknown portal potties (redirecting to goto.com, topsearcher.com, et al) - add files with names such as: sps.dll, sp.dll, sp.reg, sb.dll or similar to your system. In your StartUp folder you will see one or more lines such as: "regedit -s c:\windows\sp.dll". To fix, delete/rename the files appearing in this manner in the StartUp folder, and (optionally) remove the entries from the StartUp folder. These are actually Registry files that are loaded in at startup via Registry Editor. " (da
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PS: consiglio: tieni conto che queste informazioni si trovano su Google con relativa semplicità. Se sai l'inglese, è un modo più veloce di trovare le stesse risposte.
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