
problema msn, proxy, connessione

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problema msn, proxy, connessione

Postdi *spark* » 08/09/06 09:14

ciao ragazzi, è il mio primo post e primo 3d(nn so se è la sezione giusta).
In pratica da un po d tempo ho un problema, mi connetto e tutti i browser mi danno un messaggio d'errore e nn caricano nulla(ie, opera, mozilla), mentre opera e ie danno solo connessione fallita, mozilla mi dice che è rifiutata dal server proxy, io allora ho iniziato a spippolare in preda al panico sono andato a Strumenti->Impostazioni connessioni->Configurazione automatica proxy, e cosi riesco a connettermi, ma solo con mozilla, inoltre, in concomitanza si è presentato un problema con messenger, 80072efd è l'errore che mi da, dovrebbe essere un errore d connessione, per questo penso che le cose siano collegate.
ho windows ME, ho provato anche a disattivare/disinstalare firewall, ricerca virus e spyware e ricerca malware su internet in modalita provvisisoria.
Consigli per risolvere il problema?

e questo è il file .txt d msn messenger con i dettagli d connessione:

* Log aperto: 2006-09-07T10:38:18Z
* Informazioni sul file di registro: MSNMsgr.txt
* MSN Messenger 7.0.0816
* Questo file di registro viene creato nel computer se l'impostazione relativa al registro
* delle connessioni è selezionata nella finestra di dialogo Opzioni. È possibile disattivare questa
* impostazione in qualsiasi momento. Per disattivare l'impostazione, seleziona Opzioni dal
* menu Strumenti. Nella sezione Connessione, deseleziona la casella di controllo relativa alla creazione del file di registro,
*quindi fai clic su OK.
* MSN non è in grado di accedere a questo file a meno che non sia l'utente a inviarlo. Se vengono riscontrati
* problemi di connessione a .NET Messenger Service, è possibile segnalare il problema a
* MSN copiando e incollando l'URL
* in Internet Explorer. Compilare quindi le sezioni 1 e 2 dell'apposito modulo,
* copiare il contenuto del file di registro nella casella di testo Dettagli nella
* sezione 2 e fare clic su Invia.
* Attenzione: il file può contenere informazioni personali. Chiunque abbia accesso al
* desktop di Windows può accedere al contenuto del file.
[10:38:20.770] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:38:21. 980] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 5
[10:38:22. 030] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge recieved state change for id(3) from 5 to 8
[10:38:22. 030] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[10:38:22. 030] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge IGNORING state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[10:38:22. 030] Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[10:38:22. 030] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[10:38:22. 030] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge IGNORING state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[10:38:22. 030] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[10:38:22. 030] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge IGNORING state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[10:38:22. 030] Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[10:38:22. 030] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[10:38:22. 030] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge IGNORING state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[10:38:22. 030] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 1
[10:38:22. 030] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge IGNORING state change for id(2) from 1 to 1
[10:38:22.030] Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::SendHttpData (3) >> Posting to URL
[10:38:22.030] HmProt Sent 0x01c04ee0>VER 3 MSNP11 MSNP10 CVR0<
[10:38:23.950] Net CHTTPNetwokLayer::HttpCallback (3) >> called back with 12029
[10:38:24. 010] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge recieved state change for id(3) from 8 to 1
[10:38:29. 940] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 5
[10:38:30. 000] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge recieved state change for id(3) from 5 to 8
[10:38:30. 000] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[10:38:30. 000] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge IGNORING state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[10:38:30. 000] Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[10:38:30. 000] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[10:38:30. 000] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge IGNORING state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[10:38:30. 000] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[10:38:30. 000] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge IGNORING state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[10:38:30. 000] Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[10:38:30. 000] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[10:38:30. 000] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge IGNORING state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[10:38:30. 000] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 1
[10:38:30. 000] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge IGNORING state change for id(2) from 1 to 1
[10:38:30.000] Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::SendHttpData (3) >> Posting to URL
[10:38:30.000] HmProt Sent 0x01c04ee0>VER 4 MSNP11 MSNP10 CVR0<
[10:38:31.970] Net CHTTPNetwokLayer::HttpCallback (3) >> called back with 12029
[10:38:32. 030] Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge recieved state change for id(3) from 8 to 1
[10:38:40.760] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:39:00.810] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:39:20.800] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:39:40.790] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:40:00.840] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:40:20.840] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:40:40.880] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:41:00.880] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:41:20.920] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:41:40.920] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:42:00.910] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:42:20.960] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:42:40.950] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:43:01.000] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:43:20.990] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:43:41.040] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:44:01.030] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected
[10:44:21.080] Net RAS entry DSL Dial-Up PPP Connection is connected :)
Post: 3
Iscritto il: 08/09/06 09:09


Postdi *spark* » 08/09/06 09:27

volevo editarmi ma il tasto nn c'è
cmq volevo dire che la cosa piu strana è che daquando funzionava a quando ha avuto questo problema io nn ho fatto nulla, è passato un mese(ero in vacanza), e senza installare nulla, la prima volta che l'ho riacceso è comparso sto problema...prima d andare in vacanza(il pc funzionava cmq)ho installato hide IP platinum e peer guardian(entrambi disinstallati)..
Post: 3
Iscritto il: 08/09/06 09:09

Postdi *spark* » 09/09/06 01:20

mh...16 visite nessuna risposta...almeno sapete darmi qualche dritta su dove indirizzarmi per risolvere il problema?
Post: 3
Iscritto il: 08/09/06 09:09

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