
direct x - errore interno sistema...

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Moderatori: m.paolo, antoo69, -> EleKtrA <-

direct x - errore interno sistema...

Postdi Joe Jab » 17/05/12 19:57

Ciao ho windows 7 a 64bit e ho notato casualmente che non mi installa + le direct x e mi dà il seguente errore:

Si è verificato un errore interno di sistema.
Per individuare il problema, vedere file DXError.log e DirectX.log nella cartella di Windows.

:x :x :x

Va bene che dovrei vedere sti due file, ma mi spiegate perchè fa questo e cosa devo fare per risolverlo?
Joe Jab
Utente Junior
Post: 10
Iscritto il: 11/12/11 09:17


Re: direct x - errore interno sistema...

Postdi Joe Jab » 18/05/12 10:18

Qualcuno mi può dare una mano? Non riesco proprio a risolvere :-? ... Ho già cercato delle soluzioni in internet, ma da quel che ho capito potrei fare danni. :undecided: Ho la direct x 11 e non mi fa installare + nessuna versione e i giochi che avevo installato non vanno +, quando provo ad avviarli mi danno errore. Si può disinstallare e reinstallare in qualche maniera?
Joe Jab
Utente Junior
Post: 10
Iscritto il: 11/12/11 09:17

Re: direct x - errore interno sistema...

Postdi quizface » 18/05/12 11:57

Sarebbe interessante sapere cosa dicono i due file di log ;)
Se non siete sicuri di quello che scrivete, non scrivete niente, nessuno vi obbliga ed eviterete di confondere chi gia' e' confuso. Ciao..ciao
Avatar utente
Utente Senior
Post: 15071
Iscritto il: 03/10/04 00:36

Re: direct x - errore interno sistema...

Postdi Joe Jab » 18/05/12 12:51

[05/16/12 16:14:15] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:14:15] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:14:15] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:14:15] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:14:15] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:14:15] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:14:15] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:14:15] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:14:15] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:14:15] module: dsetup32(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 280, function: CSetup::InstallPlugIn

DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.

[05/16/12 16:26:02] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:26:02] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:26:02] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:26:02] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:26:02] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:26:02] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:26:02] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:26:02] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:26:02] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 16:26:02] module: dsetup32(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 280, function: CSetup::InstallPlugIn

DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.

[05/16/12 17:00:09] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:00:09] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:00:09] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:00:09] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:00:09] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:00:09] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:00:09] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:00:09] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:00:09] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:00:09] module: dsetup32(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 280, function: CSetup::InstallPlugIn

DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.

[05/16/12 17:09:51] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:09:51] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:09:51] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:09:51] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:09:51] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:09:51] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:09:51] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:09:51] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:09:51] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 17:09:51] module: dsetup32(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 280, function: CSetup::InstallPlugIn

DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.

[05/16/12 18:21:05] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 18:21:05] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 18:21:05] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 18:21:05] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 18:21:05] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 18:21:05] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 18:21:05] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 18:21:05] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 18:21:05] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/16/12 18:21:05] module: dsetup32(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 280, function: CSetup::InstallPlugIn

DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.

[05/17/12 20:22:42] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:22:42] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:22:42] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:22:42] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:22:42] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:22:42] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:22:42] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:22:42] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:22:42] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:22:42] module: dsetup32(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 280, function: CSetup::InstallPlugIn

DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.

[05/17/12 20:25:01] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:25:01] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:25:01] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:25:01] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:25:01] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:25:01] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:25:01] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:25:01] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:25:01] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 20:25:01] module: dsetup32(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 280, function: CSetup::InstallPlugIn

DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.

[05/17/12 21:07:01] module: dxupdate(Nov 19 2010), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6497, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:07:01] module: dxupdate(Nov 19 2010), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6497, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:07:01] module: dxupdate(Nov 19 2010), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6497, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:07:01] module: dxupdate(Nov 19 2010), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6497, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:07:01] module: dxupdate(Nov 19 2010), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6497, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:07:01] module: dxupdate(Nov 19 2010), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6497, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:07:01] module: dxupdate(Nov 19 2010), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6497, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:07:01] module: dxupdate(Nov 19 2010), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6497, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:07:01] module: dxupdate(Nov 19 2010), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6497, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:07:01] module: dsetup32(Mar 30 2011), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 280, function: CSetup::InstallPlugIn

DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.

[05/17/12 21:11:14] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:11:14] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:11:14] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:11:14] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:11:14] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:11:14] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:11:14] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:11:14] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:11:14] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/17/12 21:11:14] module: dsetup32(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 280, function: CSetup::InstallPlugIn

DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.

[05/18/12 12:12:33] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 12:12:33] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 12:12:33] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 12:12:33] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 12:12:34] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 12:12:34] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 12:12:34] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 12:12:34] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 12:12:34] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 12:12:34] module: dsetup32(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 280, function: CSetup::InstallPlugIn

DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.

[05/18/12 14:00:43] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 14:00:44] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 14:00:44] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 14:00:44] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 14:00:44] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 14:00:44] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 14:00:44] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 14:00:44] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 14:00:44] module: dxupdate(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 6484, function: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse

GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.

[05/18/12 14:00:44] module: dsetup32(Oct 27 2008), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 280, function: CSetup::InstallPlugIn

DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.
Joe Jab
Utente Junior
Post: 10
Iscritto il: 11/12/11 09:17

Re: direct x - errore interno sistema...

Postdi Joe Jab » 18/05/12 12:52

05/17/12 21:11:10: dsetup32: === SetupForDirectX() start ===
05/17/12 21:11:10: dsetup32: Oct 27 2008 09:42:44
05/17/12 21:11:10: dsetup32: DXSetupCommand = 0.
05/17/12 21:11:10: DXSetup: DSetupCallback(): Phase = 0, Steps = 0
05/17/12 21:11:10: dsetup32: Installing on Windows 6.1.7601
05/17/12 21:11:10: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
05/17/12 21:11:10: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
05/17/12 21:11:12: dsetup32: IsIA64(): not IA64.
05/17/12 21:11:12: dsetup32: CLR version number = 2.0.50727
05/17/12 21:11:13: dsetup32: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Extracting dxupdate.dll from C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\
05/17/12 21:11:13: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\dxupdate.dll from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\dxupdate.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\dxupdate.cif from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Loading dxupdate.dll in C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
05/17/12 21:11:13: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
05/17/12 21:11:13: dsetup32: IsWow64(): running on Wow64.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\dxdllreg_x86.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2005_MDX_x86.MSI does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\apr2005_d3dx9_25_x86.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\apr2005_d3dx9_25_x64.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\jun2005_d3dx9_26_x86.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\jun2005_d3dx9_26_x64.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\aug2005_d3dx9_27_x86.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\aug2005_d3dx9_27_x64.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\oct2005_xinput_x86.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\oct2005_xinput_x64.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\dec2005_d3dx9_28_x86.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\dec2005_d3dx9_28_x64.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\feb2006_d3dx9_29_x86.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\feb2006_d3dx9_29_x64.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\feb2006_xact_x86.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\feb2006_xact_x64.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\apr2006_d3dx9_30_x86.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\apr2006_d3dx9_30_x64.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: -----
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): DXUPDATE_MANAGEDDX
05/17/12 21:11:13: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/17/12 21:11:14: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/17/12 21:11:14: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX415F.tmp\apr2006_mdx1_x86_archive.inf from cab
05/17/12 21:11:14: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/17/12 21:11:14: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/17/12 21:11:14: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/17/12 21:11:14: dxupdate: CLR version number = 2.0.50727
05/17/12 21:11:14: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/17/12 21:11:14: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/17/12 21:11:14: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/17/12 21:11:14: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/17/12 21:11:14: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/17/12 21:11:14: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/17/12 21:11:14: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/17/12 21:11:14: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/17/12 21:11:14: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/17/12 21:11:14: dsetup32: CSetup::InstallPlugIn(): DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.
05/17/12 21:11:14: DXSetup: DSetupCallback(): Phase = 0, Steps = 0
05/17/12 21:11:14: dsetup32: start finalizing: phase: 0 - 0, total: 0 - 0
05/17/12 21:11:14: DXSetup: DSetupCallback(): Phase = 3, Steps = 0
05/17/12 21:11:14: dsetup32: Installation ended with value -9 = Internal or unsupported error
05/17/12 21:19:03: DXSetup: WM_APP_ENDINSTALL
05/17/12 21:19:03: DXSetup: ~CDXWSetup()
05/18/12 12:12:29: DXSetup: No command line switch
05/18/12 12:12:29: DXSetup: StartWizard()
05/18/12 12:12:29: dsetup32: IsWow64(): running on Wow64.
05/18/12 12:12:30: DXSetup: CDXWSetup()
05/18/12 12:12:31: DXSetup: start installation
05/18/12 12:12:31: DSETUP: DirectXSetupA(): hWnd: 001201F2 dwFlags: 02010098

05/18/12 12:12:31: dsetup32: === SetupForDirectX() start ===
05/18/12 12:12:31: dsetup32: Oct 27 2008 09:42:44
05/18/12 12:12:31: dsetup32: DXSetupCommand = 0.
05/18/12 12:12:31: DXSetup: DSetupCallback(): Phase = 0, Steps = 0
05/18/12 12:12:31: dsetup32: Installing on Windows 6.1.7601
05/18/12 12:12:31: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
05/18/12 12:12:31: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
05/18/12 12:12:31: dsetup32: IsIA64(): not IA64.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dsetup32: CLR version number = 2.0.50727
05/18/12 12:12:31: dsetup32: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Extracting dxupdate.dll from C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\
05/18/12 12:12:31: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\dxupdate.dll from cab
05/18/12 12:12:31: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\dxupdate.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:31: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\dxupdate.cif from cab
05/18/12 12:12:31: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Loading dxupdate.dll in C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
05/18/12 12:12:31: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
05/18/12 12:12:31: dsetup32: IsWow64(): running on Wow64.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\dxdllreg_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2005_MDX_x86.MSI does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:31: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\apr2005_d3dx9_25_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\apr2005_d3dx9_25_x64.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\jun2005_d3dx9_26_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\jun2005_d3dx9_26_x64.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\aug2005_d3dx9_27_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\aug2005_d3dx9_27_x64.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\oct2005_xinput_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\oct2005_xinput_x64.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\dec2005_d3dx9_28_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\dec2005_d3dx9_28_x64.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:32: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\feb2006_d3dx9_29_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\feb2006_d3dx9_29_x64.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\feb2006_xact_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\feb2006_xact_x64.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\apr2006_d3dx9_30_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\apr2006_d3dx9_30_x64.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): DXUPDATE_MANAGEDDX
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DXDC7B.tmp\apr2006_mdx1_x86_archive.inf from cab
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: CLR version number = 2.0.50727
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 12:12:33: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 12:12:34: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 12:12:34: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 12:12:34: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 12:12:34: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 12:12:34: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 12:12:34: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 12:12:34: dsetup32: CSetup::InstallPlugIn(): DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.
05/18/12 12:12:34: DXSetup: DSetupCallback(): Phase = 0, Steps = 0
05/18/12 12:12:34: dsetup32: start finalizing: phase: 0 - 0, total: 0 - 0
05/18/12 12:12:34: DXSetup: DSetupCallback(): Phase = 3, Steps = 0
05/18/12 12:12:34: dsetup32: Installation ended with value -9 = Internal or unsupported error
05/18/12 12:12:38: DXSetup: WM_APP_ENDINSTALL
05/18/12 12:12:38: DXSetup: ~CDXWSetup()
05/18/12 14:00:34: DXSetup: No command line switch
05/18/12 14:00:34: DXSetup: StartWizard()
05/18/12 14:00:34: dsetup32: IsWow64(): running on Wow64.
05/18/12 14:00:36: DXSetup: CDXWSetup()
05/18/12 14:00:37: DXSetup: start installation
05/18/12 14:00:37: DSETUP: DirectXSetupA(): hWnd: 000301F6 dwFlags: 02010098

05/18/12 14:00:37: dsetup32: === SetupForDirectX() start ===
05/18/12 14:00:37: dsetup32: Oct 27 2008 09:42:44
05/18/12 14:00:37: dsetup32: DXSetupCommand = 0.
05/18/12 14:00:37: DXSetup: DSetupCallback(): Phase = 0, Steps = 0
05/18/12 14:00:37: dsetup32: Installing on Windows 6.1.7601
05/18/12 14:00:37: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
05/18/12 14:00:37: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
05/18/12 14:00:42: dsetup32: IsIA64(): not IA64.
05/18/12 14:00:42: dsetup32: CLR version number = 2.0.50727
05/18/12 14:00:43: dsetup32: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Extracting dxupdate.dll from C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\
05/18/12 14:00:43: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\dxupdate.dll from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\dxupdate.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dsetup32: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\dxupdate.cif from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Loading dxupdate.dll in C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
05/18/12 14:00:43: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
05/18/12 14:00:43: dsetup32: IsWow64(): running on Wow64.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\dxdllreg_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2005_MDX_x86.MSI does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\apr2005_d3dx9_25_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\apr2005_d3dx9_25_x64.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\jun2005_d3dx9_26_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\jun2005_d3dx9_26_x64.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\aug2005_d3dx9_27_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\aug2005_d3dx9_27_x64.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\oct2005_xinput_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\oct2005_xinput_x64.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\dec2005_d3dx9_28_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\dec2005_d3dx9_28_x64.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\feb2006_d3dx9_29_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\feb2006_d3dx9_29_x64.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In does not exist.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\feb2006_xact_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\feb2006_xact_x64.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\apr2006_d3dx9_30_x86.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\apr2006_d3dx9_30_x64.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: -----
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): DXUPDATE_MANAGEDDX
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): C:\Users\utente\Desktop\ok\ is trusted.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: Extracted file C:\Users\utente\AppData\Local\Temp\DX5062.tmp\apr2006_mdx1_x86_archive.inf from cab
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
05/18/12 14:00:43: dxupdate: CLR version number = 2.0.50727
05/18/12 14:00:44: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 14:00:44: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 14:00:44: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 14:00:44: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 14:00:44: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 14:00:44: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 14:00:44: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 14:00:44: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 14:00:44: dxupdate: CMDXCheck::IsAssemblyInUse(): GetAssemblyList() failed, error = 0x80070005.
05/18/12 14:00:44: dsetup32: CSetup::InstallPlugIn(): DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.
05/18/12 14:00:44: DXSetup: DSetupCallback(): Phase = 0, Steps = 0
05/18/12 14:00:44: dsetup32: start finalizing: phase: 0 - 0, total: 0 - 0
05/18/12 14:00:44: DXSetup: DSetupCallback(): Phase = 3, Steps = 0
05/18/12 14:00:44: dsetup32: Installation ended with value -9 = Internal or unsupported error
Joe Jab
Utente Junior
Post: 10
Iscritto il: 11/12/11 09:17

Re: direct x - errore interno sistema...

Postdi quizface » 18/05/12 18:15

come mai stai cercando di installare directX 9.0 windows 7 ha gia' directX 11.0 se non sbaglio.
Se non siete sicuri di quello che scrivete, non scrivete niente, nessuno vi obbliga ed eviterete di confondere chi gia' e' confuso. Ciao..ciao
Avatar utente
Utente Senior
Post: 15071
Iscritto il: 03/10/04 00:36

Re: direct x - errore interno sistema...

Postdi Joe Jab » 18/05/12 20:36

quizface ha scritto:come mai stai cercando di installare directX 9.0 windows 7 ha gia' directX 11.0 se non sbaglio.

E' vero, ma come mai mi dice: si è verificato un errore interno di sistema?
Perchè non mi vanno + i giochi e quando provo ad avviarli mi dice: impossibile caricare il file o l'assembly... ecc, ecc?
Funzionava tutto e un giorno dal nulla non va + niente... :mmmh: Ad esempio il gioco batman arkham asylum come tutti gli altri non parte... allora ho provato ad installare la direct x che c'è nel suo cd sperando di risolvere il problema, ma non sapevo che fosse la 9 visto che è un gioco recente. :neutral: Cmq sia non vanno + i giochi e non mi fa installare nessuna versione di direct x :-?... Mi sa che mi tocca formattare :(
Joe Jab
Utente Junior
Post: 10
Iscritto il: 11/12/11 09:17

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