
Problemi Alice ADSL

Se il modem non funziona, hai problemi con la scheda video o non sai che processore scegliere entra qui!!

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Problemi Alice ADSL

Postdi florian » 11/03/03 13:14

Scusi, parlare italiano solo poco, scrivi in inglese.
I am new in this forum and i hope to get help for my problems.
since 2 weeks ago, i have got the modem and the auto-installationsCD from Alice. First i have the driver installeted and then the modem. from the telecom i have got a UserId (8 numbers) and a Password (also 8 numbers). Than i have changed in "proprieta Internet"-"Generale"-"Indirizzio" the adress to connect ever with:
But it is not possible to connect because i get always the error:"..nome utente e/or password non valido e domino".
May i have maked some mistakes by installation alice or-and that i think is the error, the password and the userId are wrong. :-?
Maybe there is anybody who can help me. :)
Please answer in english, german, french or croatia.
My motherlanguage is german.
Thank you, by.
Post: 6
Iscritto il: 11/03/03 01:41


Postdi Ordine » 11/03/03 13:26

WELCOME Florian!!!
Welcome to Pc-facile Forum!
Well I'm not very well in English but i'll try to explain me as well as possible,
Reading what you wrote here i think that the problems are username and password! :neutral:
Which password and username did you use trying to connect to the web?
The ones that you found on the letter sent by Telecom Italia?
Please may you be more precise in your informations?
thanks alot We are waiting for your answers
Welcome again!!! :P
See you soon
Ordine :diavolo:
Traduzione Giochi ITA di American McGee's Alice, SOF 1, Hexen 2, Nosferatu e Star Trek Elite Force 2!!!
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Postdi piercing » 11/03/03 13:30

professsssssssscionaaaall :lol:
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Postdi pjfry » 11/03/03 13:53

use the connection created by the installation program, insert userid=aliceadsl and password=aliceadsl
then go to the url ' ' and insert your password and userid ( the numbers sent by telecom ) ... then you will be able to activate your account choosing username and password ;)
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problems ADSL Alice

Postdi florian » 11/03/03 20:30

Hi and thanks for answer! (molto gentile e grazie mille)

1. i am still working with libero free with a 56k modem. It was and is my
first connession to connect with net. But i think everyone now that it is
very costly if you stay about 4 our more our s in the net (dayli). So i
have ordered (online) Alice flat with AutoinstallationsCD.

2. for more information i try to explain step by step how i installeted the
new connession -but first i must say that i speak italy not really good
I now a lot of words in italy but i can not built sentences. And a graet
problem for me is also to use WINDOWS HOME XP because it is in
ITALY (I have buyed the PC in Italy). So i do as good as well.
step 1: i have installeted the driver from the CD (for modem)
step 2: i have connect the modem
(I have also tried to connect the modem at first and than load
the drivers)
step 3: i have load the drivers for the connection (browser) to agree
the (Lizenz) (contratto di lizenza). The PC is searching and
than i get the information:
"e stata rilevata una versione piu recente di Internet Explorer
gia installata nel sistema. Impossibile continuare."
step 4: start-pannello di controllo-opzioni internet-connessione-
impostazione: fill in UserId and Password.
TELECOM -i have written a E-Mail to webmaster@telecomitalia with the questions: where and how i get my UserId and my Password?) A few days later i got an answer that a letter is "on way" and their also was input in the mail an UserId and a Password (8 numbers for the ID and 8 numbers for the password) But there was no address where i can use the Id and the Password.
step 5: start-pannello di controllo-opzioni internet-generale-
indirizzio: fill in "".

That was all i have done. I think there is a mistake i have done by installation. - I dont now- If i try to call 187 (I have done it twice) there i got no information because their is no person speaking german or english.

Thats all information - i hope so. :-?
Once: thank you and have a nice day (night) :) :) :)
Post: 6
Iscritto il: 11/03/03 01:41

Postdi pjfry » 11/03/03 20:51

:eeh: i'm not sure i understood all... you have a numeric userid and password, haven't you?
if u've got these numbers simply try to connect with your modem and insert :
userid ( or login, i don't remember) : "aliceadsl"
password : "aliceadsl"
you should be able to open your browser and go to .
now you must enter your numeric id and password to activate your account ( you will choose a new userid and password and then you'll always use these )
then disconnect, wait 5-10 minutes and try to connect with the accounts you just created

i think it's a shame nobody at 187 speaks at least english, but you must know that we italians have problems to understand them too :lol:

ciao, se hai altre domande ci trovi tutti qui a disposizione ;)
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Post: 8240
Iscritto il: 19/11/02 17:52
Località: terni

problemi ADSL Alice

Postdi florian » 11/03/03 21:31

Something happend!!??
Thank you a specialy to mr. pjfry.

with aliceadsl UserId and aliceadsl Password i visit the "pagina di registazione".
But when i insert my UserId (numbers) and my password (numbers) i get an error: ....non valido.
Maybee sometimes i am able to use alice..... :-? :evil: :)
So I am still waiting for the postman which will bring me (quando????) a letter input my UserId and my Password.
:undecided: where is the postman - be in hurry
Post: 6
Iscritto il: 11/03/03 01:41

Postdi Nicola » 11/03/03 21:39

welcome florian,

don't install any version of IE 'cause in WinXP Home Edition there are the latest Internet Explorer's version.

If you want download (advice!) lastest patches for IE6 just open the browser e in "indirizzo" box write

Then answer Yes/Sì and check the downloads (advice patches for xp and sp1 too, there are about 150 megabytes, download after adsl-installation :P)

Just install the modem's driver and connect with new Remote Access connection.

In Username and Password box write your personal information that you receveid from Telecom Italia in a letter o by e-mail.

If you get the error "nome utente e/o password non validi" connect to the Internet with a 56K Dialup go to and active your account.. ;)

Then use ADSL connection and write new account's data.

View the icon on the tray.. of the adsl modem's driver... they must be usually green... if they're red... phone 187 and tell for "attivazione portante sulla mia linea di telefonica" and waiting for... :P

Telecom's very slow.. :D When the icons become red... test your connection again..

If you can't install modem drivers tell us your modem's name and we tell you where you can download driver and how to install!

Sorry for my english...

A bientôt...
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Post: 7381
Iscritto il: 08/02/02 01:00

problemi ADSL Alice

Postdi florian » 11/03/03 21:46

:( :( :(
Hi pjfry!
Sorry, its my pleasure that i dont speak italy. But i am still learning and I am shure in a few months i will visit this forum in italy.
If your motherlanguege is german, it is very difficult to learn italy or english because the italien and the english built the sentences other like the german - and that is the great problem for me. But i am speaking more langueges (a little bit french, a little bit english, and croatia) so i take some word from english, some word from croatia which is conform with italy. ;)
But where i live (Grado/Gorizia) is the (Dialekt)- dont now the english word- a great problem. So any people from sicilia can understand a people from grado because itali-languege is from country to country different.
By. And many greetings from the north of italy to...?
Post: 6
Iscritto il: 11/03/03 01:41

Re: problemi ADSL Alice

Postdi pjfry » 12/03/03 00:57

florian ha scritto: And many greetings from the north of italy to...?

the center of italy, for me and nicola ;)

if you're tired of waiting for the postman you can try to ask directly to 187, they gave me my numbers by phone because i didn't want to wait :D this could be your first task in italian language :lol:
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Località: terni

Postdi Nicola » 12/03/03 13:34

your numbers pjfry? you mean your account's information (username,password)?
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Postdi pjfry » 12/03/03 13:41

:lol: :lol: dai nick, con me puoi parlare italiano , anche perchè sennò florian non impara mai :) :)
cmq sì, intendevo username e password numerici che servono per la prima attivazione :D
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Post: 8240
Iscritto il: 19/11/02 17:52
Località: terni

problemi ADSL Alice

Postdi florian » 12/03/03 19:02

:oops: :oops: :oops:
Very Sorry!!!
I back your pardon! :oops:
Yesterday i have written: sorry, its my PLEASURE, that i dont speak italy...

--PEASURE-- was the wrong word.
What a terrible misstake....
I am still learning italian i hope sometimes i am able to speak and write in italian.
Scusi!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:
Great news:
Today a letter from telecom italia had arrived. input the same numbers (UID and PW) i have got with an E-mail 14 days ago.
Yesterday i have tried to connect with this numbers-it was possible.
today i have connect with the same numbers - and what i surprise:

God bless telecom italia ;) ;) ;)

Many thanks to all in this forum (pjfry, nicola..)
and to pjfry: i will answer you in italy..... ;)
Post: 6
Iscritto il: 11/03/03 01:41

Re: problemi ADSL Alice

Postdi dado » 12/03/03 19:09

florian ha scritto:God bless telecom italia ;) ;) ;)

...and what about pc-facile? Don't forget it!! :D :lol: 8)

i will answer you in italy..... ;)

Don't worry, we MUST be the most internetional as possible! :P

House: "Vede, tutti pensano che sia un paziente a causa del bastone"
Wilson: "Allora perchè non indossa un camice bianco come tutti noi?"
House: "Perchè altrimenti pensano che sia un medico".
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Re: problemi ADSL Alice

Postdi pjfry » 12/03/03 19:11

florian ha scritto::oops: :oops: :oops:
Very Sorry!!!
I back your pardon! :oops:
Yesterday i have written: sorry, its my PLEASURE, that i dont speak italy...

:lol: don't worry, it was obviusly a mistake :lol:
i still don't understand something in your english... now alice is working, isn't it? you have created your own account, i hope ;)
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Post: 8240
Iscritto il: 19/11/02 17:52
Località: terni

Re: problemi ADSL Alice

Postdi Nicola » 12/03/03 19:18

Dado: international NOT internetional... :D

Anyway i'm happy that now all is OK.

A bientôt....

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Post: 7381
Iscritto il: 08/02/02 01:00

Re: problemi ADSL Alice

Postdi dado » 12/03/03 19:25

Nicola ha scritto:Dado: international NOT internetional... :D

Ops... una svista. :P

House: "Vede, tutti pensano che sia un paziente a causa del bastone"
Wilson: "Allora perchè non indossa un camice bianco come tutti noi?"
House: "Perchè altrimenti pensano che sia un medico".
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Post: 16208
Iscritto il: 21/08/01 01:00
Località: La Città dei Sette Assedi

grazie mille

Postdi florian » 13/03/03 01:44

Hi and good evening lords :)

God bless pc-facile too. :) ;) :)
Alice ADSL is still working corectly. :D

I have written at the beginning "Hi and...LORDS"
I like to explain what its mean:

If you visit in england a bad pub and you go to the toilette (WC, restroom) there is written at the (restroom-)door: MEN (or FOR MEN). :evil:

If you go out for dinner in a good restaurant and you visit the toilette (restroom) there is written: for GENTLEMEN. ;)

If you like to have a nice dinner with a beautiful girl or woman you will visit a very fine restaurant and you can be shure: at the toilette-door is written in golden letters: FOR LORDS. :) :) :)

So i like to send you this message:I have maked the experience in this forum: only FOR LORDS. ;)

At last: Sorry, my english is not very good, but it is better then my italian.
But the most importent is: the work was successful. :) :) :)
Thanks to all- and I am shure: see you soon. :D
Post: 6
Iscritto il: 11/03/03 01:41

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