
Schermata blu

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Schermata blu

Postdi Gipsyg » 13/05/17 14:58

Da un pò,appena accendo il mio pc portatile,dopo 3-5 minuti dall'accensione mi compare una schermata blu con delle istruzioni in inglese...cosa potrebbe essere?
Post: 5
Iscritto il: 13/05/17 14:54


Re: Schermata blu

Postdi Gipsyg » 13/05/17 15:01

Vorrei inviare anche una foto della schermata ma non saprei come fare.grazie!
Post: 5
Iscritto il: 13/05/17 14:54

Re: Schermata blu

Postdi fax71ita » 13/05/17 21:05

Che sistema operativo utilizzi?
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Post: 1846
Iscritto il: 20/03/15 10:43
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Re: Schermata blu

Postdi Gipsyg » 13/05/17 22:16

Post: 5
Iscritto il: 13/05/17 14:54

Re: Schermata blu

Postdi Gipsyg » 14/05/17 08:08

Questo è il messaggio:
A problem as been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
Page _fault_in_non_page_area
If this isthe first time you have seen this stop error screen restart your computer.if this screen appear again follow this step:
Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.if this is a new installation ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need.
If problem continue disable or remove any new installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.
If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components restart your computer and press F8 to select Advance startup options. And select save mode.
STOP:0X00000050 0x80055co 0x00000000 0x828c1504 0x00000000

Collecting data for crash dump
Inizializing disk for crush dump
Beginning dump of phisical memory
Dumping phisical memory to disk:100
Phisical mempry dump complete
Post: 5
Iscritto il: 13/05/17 14:54

Re: Schermata blu

Postdi Gipsyg » 14/05/17 08:16

Questo è il messaggio:
A problem as been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
Page _fault_in_non_page_area
If this isthe first time you have seen this stop error screen restart your computer.if this screen appear again follow this step:
Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.if this is a new installation ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need.
If problem continue disable or remove any new installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.
If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components restart your computer and press F8 to select Advance startup options. And select save mode.
STOP:0X00000050 0x80055co 0x00000000 0x828c1504 0x00000000

Collecting data for crash dump
Inizializing disk for crush dump
Beginning dump of phisical memory
Dumping phisical memory to disk:100
Phisical mempry dump complete
Post: 5
Iscritto il: 13/05/17 14:54

Re: Schermata blu

Postdi quizface » 14/05/17 10:54

controlla la memoria RAM con MemTest86 e il disco con CrystalDiskInfo e comunque dicci se hai installato qualcosa di nuovo prima del fatto
Se non siete sicuri di quello che scrivete, non scrivete niente, nessuno vi obbliga ed eviterete di confondere chi gia' e' confuso. Ciao..ciao
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Iscritto il: 03/10/04 00:36

Re: Schermata blu

Postdi fax71ita » 14/05/17 19:10

Oltre al consiglio di quizface' puoi provare in avvio a premere f8 e nella schermata che appare scegli ultima configurazione sicuramente funzionante
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Utente Senior
Post: 1846
Iscritto il: 20/03/15 10:43
Località: Torino

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