sempre nel recuperare un file "corrotto"
dovrei ripristinare la macro >> SumGol (in modulo 2)
- Codice: Seleziona tutto
Sub SumGol()
Dim WArr(), wInd As Long, tArr(1 To 4), mArr
Dim GeS As Worksheet, LastN As Long, myMatch
Dim i As Long, j As Long, cSum
' gennaio 23
' preleva e ordina la colonna masaniello fgl Tabelle
' da pc-facile antony47
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'blocca sfarfallio e non vedo cambiare fgl
INIZIO = Timer
UserForm1.Show vbModeless
Worksheets("Tabelle").Unprotect ' togli protez
Set GeS = Sheets("Generale")
LastN = GeS.Cells(Rows.Count, "N").End(xlUp).Row
Range("x7:AA1000").ClearContents ' cnacella elimina dati precedenti
ReDim WArr(1 To LastN, 1 To 4)
ReDim mArr(1 To LastN)
For i = 8 To LastN
mArr = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(WArr, 0, 1)
cSum = GeS.Cells(i, "N")
myMatch = Application.Match(cSum, mArr, False)
If IsError(myMatch) Then
wInd = wInd + 1
WArr(wInd, 1) = cSum
WArr(wInd, 2) = 1
If UCase(GeS.Cells(i, "K").Value) = "Vinta" Then
WArr(wInd, 3) = 1 'V
WArr(wInd, 4) = 1 'P
End If
WArr(myMatch, 1) = cSum
WArr(myMatch, 2) = WArr(myMatch, 2) + 1
If UCase(GeS.Cells(i, "K").Value) = "Vinta" Then
WArr(myMatch, 3) = WArr(myMatch, 3) + 1 'V
WArr(myMatch, 4) = WArr(myMatch, 4) + 1 'P
End If
End If
'Sheets("Tabelle").Range("AC7").Resize(wInd, 4).Value = WArr
Next i
'Bubble sort:
For i = 1 To wInd - 1
For j = i + 1 To wInd
If WArr(i, 1) > WArr(j, 1) Then
tArr(4) = WArr(i, 4)
tArr(3) = WArr(i, 3)
tArr(2) = WArr(i, 2)
tArr(1) = WArr(i, 1)
WArr(i, 4) = WArr(j, 4)
WArr(i, 3) = WArr(j, 3)
WArr(i, 2) = WArr(j, 2)
WArr(i, 1) = WArr(j, 1)
WArr(j, 4) = tArr(4)
WArr(j, 3) = tArr(3)
WArr(j, 2) = tArr(2)
WArr(j, 1) = tArr(1)
End If
Next j
Next i
Sheets("Tabelle").Range("X7").Resize(wInd, 4).Value = WArr ' dove mettere i dati
'-------coloro riga si no --------------------------------
For Z = 7 To Cells(Rows.Count, "X").End(xlUp).Row ' 7 1ma riga
Range("X7:AA1000").Interior.ColorIndex = 2 '<<< sfondo bianco
Range("X7:AA1000").Font.Bold = False
Next Z
For RR = 7 To Z Step 2
Range("X" & RR & ":AA" & RR).Interior.ColorIndex = 36
Range("X" & RR & ":AA" & RR).Font.Bold = True
Next RR
Application.ScreenUpdating = True ' riattiva sfarfallio
Unload UserForm1
fine = Timer
MsgBox ("Tempo impiegato " & Int((fine - INIZIO) / 60) & " min " & (fine - INIZIO) Mod 60 & " Sec")
' -- blocca proteggi foglio----------------------------
' ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True _
, AllowFormattingColumns:=True, AllowFormattingRows:=True
End Sub
questa mi dovrebbe prelevare e contare le sigle in fgl generale col N
contare quante volte sono state usate
e riportarlo in fgl tabelle col X7_Y7 ( fin qui funziona)
per ogni sigla trovata dirmi quante volte trova
Vinta / Persa in fgl generale col K8:K ( questo non funziona)
e riportarlo in fgl tabelle col Z _ AB
vi allego il file
S.O. win11, Excell 2021