cortesemente un aiuto per far funzionare lo step e relativo funzionamento della macro
- Codice: Seleziona tutto
Dim sh1 As Worksheet
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim k As Integer, L As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer, jj As Integer
Set sh1 = Sheets("Sum90")
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
i = sh1.Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row - 3
jj = 90
For i = 1 To 2 Step 7
For j = 1 To 5
Cells(4 + i, 3 + j).Value = (jj - Cells(3 + i, 3 + j).Value + Cells(3 + i, "d").Value) Mod 90
Next j
For k = 1 To 5
Cells(5 + i, 3 + k).Value = (jj - Cells(3 + i, 3 + k).Value + Cells(3 + i, "e").Value) Mod 90
Next k
For L = 1 To 5
Cells(6 + i, 3 + L).Value = (jj - Cells(3 + i, 3 + L).Value + Cells(3 + i, "f").Value) Mod 90
Next L
For m = 1 To 5
Cells(7 + i, 3 + m).Value = (jj - Cells(3 + i, 3 + m).Value + Cells(3 + i, "g").Value) Mod 90
Next m
For n = 1 To 5
Cells(8 + i, 3 + n).Value = (jj - Cells(3 + i, 3 + n).Value + Cells(3 + i, "h").Value) Mod 90
Next n
ActiveCell.Offset(7, 0).Range("a1").Select
Next i
Attenzione oltre lo step come indicato con offset la macro deve continuare a calcolare
la successiva riga
Forse qualche chiarimento?
Grazie per e dell'aiuto