
Spam, scherzo, o che altro? (Nigerian Scam)

Come rimuovere virus e spyware? Le carte di credito sono davvero sicure in rete? È possibile navigare anonimi? Con quali programmi tutelare la propria privacy? Come proteggere i file importanti? Se volete una risposta a queste e altre domande questo è il luogo giusto!

Moderatori: m.paolo, kadosh, Luke57

Postdi power1983 » 13/06/03 20:20

dado ha scritto:Peccato x te che qs Maria Rosaria sia solo fittizia... eheh.

:lol: peccato veramente :lol:
Il bello è che l'ho mandata ieri ad un mio amico dal sito che ho citato qualche post sopra...
Che abbia avuto l'intuizione che son stato io? :undecided:
dado ha scritto:Cmq, se non ti bastasse ancora, te lo confermo pure io: quell'email che t'è arrivata, è spam

No no mi basta, dopo tutto quello che ho letto.... :aaah che Bast**** :aaah
Meglio esserci lasciati che non esserci mai incontrati. - Fabrizio de Andre
Se dovessi scegliere tra il tuo amore e la mia vita, sceglierei il tuo amore perchè il tuo amore è la mia vita.. - Jim Morrison -
Utente Senior
Post: 1240
Iscritto il: 14/03/03 22:08


Postdi piercing » 14/06/03 00:14

e purtroppo non è solo SPAM.... è un fenomeno ben peggiore...

guarda qui...
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Post: 7569
Iscritto il: 10/04/02 10:34
Località: Roma

Postdi dado » 14/06/03 11:15

Certo, secondo me, prima ancora di spam, questa è una truffa bella e buona! :aaah

House: "Vede, tutti pensano che sia un paziente a causa del bastone"
Wilson: "Allora perchè non indossa un camice bianco come tutti noi?"
House: "Perchè altrimenti pensano che sia un medico".
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Post: 16208
Iscritto il: 21/08/01 01:00
Località: La Città dei Sette Assedi

Postdi Nicola » 14/06/03 11:20

ti consiglio come minimo di reportarla al provider dei truffatori ;)
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Post: 7381
Iscritto il: 08/02/02 01:00

Postdi piercing » 14/06/03 15:24

Documentatevi un pochino su questo fenomeno...

fare il reporting all'abuse competente non serve a niente... quando l'intera nazione è connivente con questo fenomeno (che parte dal riciclaggio di denaro... per arrivare ben oltre...).

Su qualche sito istituzionale americano (forse la CIA) c'è un'apposita sezione dedicata al fenomeno...
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Post: 7569
Iscritto il: 10/04/02 10:34
Località: Roma

Postdi power1983 » 19/06/03 11:19

ecco che ora mi è spuntato
questa volta però son stati piu diretti,senza l'invenzione dell'eredità...
C'è un modo per evitare di ricevere queste email?
Meglio esserci lasciati che non esserci mai incontrati. - Fabrizio de Andre
Se dovessi scegliere tra il tuo amore e la mia vita, sceglierei il tuo amore perchè il tuo amore è la mia vita.. - Jim Morrison -
Utente Senior
Post: 1240
Iscritto il: 14/03/03 22:08

Postdi pjfry » 19/06/03 11:28

hai letto il link di piercing? ci sono le istruzioni sul da farsi secondo in che nazione sei... ovviamente manca l'italia :aaah
forse ti conviene sentire la polizia postale, gli scrivi allegando la mail e senti che dicono....
a dire la verità dicono pure di lartare al provider, ma tanto se gli chiudono l'account ne useranno un altro e tu resti sempre nella lista... :(
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Post: 8240
Iscritto il: 19/11/02 17:52
Località: terni

Postdi Nicola » 19/06/03 11:36

se magari vuoi evitare di chiamare la Polizia Postale puoi filtrarle in base a qualche dato in comune.. ma per contribuire a far smettere ti consiglio, come pj, di contattare la Polizia Postale ;)
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Post: 7381
Iscritto il: 08/02/02 01:00

Postdi power1983 » 19/06/03 12:10

ho pensato anch'io di mettere qualche filtro,ma su supereva posso solo bloccare il mittente...
Ma dato che loro usano indirizzi sempre diversi,che lo faccio a fare? :(
Cmq mi sà che farò come dite voi...
Meglio esserci lasciati che non esserci mai incontrati. - Fabrizio de Andre
Se dovessi scegliere tra il tuo amore e la mia vita, sceglierei il tuo amore perchè il tuo amore è la mia vita.. - Jim Morrison -
Utente Senior
Post: 1240
Iscritto il: 14/03/03 22:08

Postdi brunok » 19/06/03 12:36

Le email ricevute senza motivo e senza richiesta e che hanno in qualche modo a che fare con la Nigeria o con paesi diciamo inconsueti sono al 99,9999999 non spam ma truffe belle e buone alcune delle quali anche ben architettate. Senza fare assolutamente discriminazini è molto ma molto meglio diffidare, sempre. :!:
Fun World ;) :) :D
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Post: 666
Iscritto il: 10/12/02 22:05
Località: Fun Valley

Postdi power1983 » 29/08/03 20:02

ecco il ritorno, fino ad ora i filtri da me impostati avevano funzionato...
Mi sà che devo metterne altri...
cmq tanto per tenervi informati adesso mi arrivano anche con dei link e mi invitano ad andarci per ricevere maggiori informazioni....
Guardate che mi hanno inviato adesso...

6 Gidado Idris Road
Kano State

Dear Friend,

First, let me apologise for the surprise or embarrassment this mail may
cause you.I beg for your sincere understanding With due regards, I take the
liberty to contact you for this urgent business transaction which will be
of immense benefit to all parties concerned.

I am soliciting your immediate assistance or co-operation as to enable my
family round up the remains of our life. Following the sudden death of my
husband General Sani Abacha, who was the former head of state of Nigeria in
June 8, 1998.I have been thrown into a state of utter confusion,
frustration and hopelessness by this present civilian administration.

I have been subjected to physical and mental torture by the security agents
or rather his followers in my country.And believe me, I and my children
have not done anything wrong, we were never part of my late husband regime.
The new president has succeeded in turning the whole country against us.

This is just because, this present day President of Nigeria planned a coup
d'etat against my husband in 1995 and was charged by the military headed by
my late husband for treasonable offence.He was tried,sentenced and jailed
by my late husband's government before my late husband died . It is rumored
that my husband was secretly murdered by these same people,"May his soul
rest in perfect peace".

This same man (Rtd.General Olusegun Obasanjo) was released and elected as
the President of this country in 1999 and since then he has openly vowed
that, he will frustrate my family and wipe out our entire family race and
he is really doing that to us now.My son was framed up and is still under
detention,arraigned before the federal Supreme court of Nigeria holding in
Abuja for an offence he did not commit. As a widow that is so traumatized,
I have lost confidence with everybody within the country.

You must have heard over the media reports and the internet on the recovery
of various huge sums of money deposited by my husband in different
Trustee/Deposit firms abroad, some companies wi llingly give up their
secrets and disclosed our money confidently lodged there on outright

Some companies willingly give up their secrets and disclosed our money
which we confidentially lodged there on outright blackmail.In fact US$620
million dollars were confiscated by Luxembourg authoritiesthe,550 million
dollars in Swiss bank accounts linked to my husband was frozen by the Swiss
authorities since 1999, Fifteen(15) British banks were actually censured in
March 2001 for
lax controls on my Late Husband's Bank Accounts.

I would refer you to the website below for more information:- ... s__abahttp
:// ... a_loot.htm
This present government have turned the people against my entire family and
are really out to purnish us and make my family poor for life.I can not
really explain the measure of the kind of suffering my family is going
through right now.

Come to think of it, I am a woman and I was not in any way part of my
husband's military regime. My late husband may have stepped on toes during
his tenure, he was a difficult soldier and I never had any control over him
or his government.
So I do not see why I and his poor children should be going through all

I have been looking for help and due to my previous experience I am afraid
that if I contact any other embassy I might be exposed.Please do not betray
me.Some time ago, I deposited the sum of [US$64.7 million U.S. dollars]for
my late husband in a security firm, whose name I cannot disclose now until
I gain your trust and I can open communication with you.The money was
deposited there in a
form which I would explain later.

I engaged the assistance of an Italian Business man by name Mr.Paulo Luigi
of Milano Construction S.P.A who assisted to finance and receive the
release of the US$50 Million to him for Safe Keeping.I was suprised to find
out Later that Mr.Paulo Luigi has frudulently deceived me and my family.He
made away with my money and all efforts to trace him proved abortive.

I will be very grateful if you could receive the balance of US$14.7 Million
for safe keeping.I never really intended to touch this money which is very
safe and secure in the vault of this security firm. But due our present
situation I do not have any other option.

I need money to safe my son's life. All our accounts here and oversea have
been frozen and all our properties apart from this only house which we live
in. We are badly in need of money. My son Mohammed is very sick in prison
and his lawyers are ripping us off. We have almost resulted to state of

The problem is that I cannot lay my hands on this money due to the fact
that all our international passports belonging to any member of my family
has been seized by this government, pending when they finish ivestigation
into my late husbands assets.This arrangement is only known to you, myself,
my lawyer and my Son who was discharged by a Supreme court in Abuja of all
charges but is still being held in prision by the present Nigerian

See the website below for more information about the case:- ... index.html ... entID=4568

My request is anchored on our strong desire to establish a lasting
relationship with you and i hence solicit your partnership to receive funds
into your safe custody.

I and my family have agreed to offer the following percentages:-

1.) 20% of the total sum is for you upon successful clearance of this funds
the Trustee/Deposit company.
2.) 5% has been set aside to cover all expenses during the course of this
3.) 75% will be for me and my family.All i requires is your honest
to enable us see this business successful.

I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement which
will protect you from any breach of the law.Further details awaits your
response by email :(

Do not hesitate to include the following in your reply to me:-

1. Your full name & Contact Address
2. Your Private Mobile Phone & Fax Numbers

All I am bothered about is how this money could be kept safely or invested
and most importantly use some of it to save my son's life.If you are not
willing to help me, please do not expose me, just assume we never discussed
this matter.

You can send your reply to my direct email address:-
( )

I am looking forward to doing this transaction with you and solicit your
absolute confidentiality in this transaction.

I will be most grateful and would show my appreciation if you can help to
restore the life and hope in my family again.

Yours Sincerely,

Hajia Mariam Abacha.

Devo ancora finirla di leggerla tutta.. certo che stavolta si son propio dilungati... :lol:
Meglio esserci lasciati che non esserci mai incontrati. - Fabrizio de Andre
Se dovessi scegliere tra il tuo amore e la mia vita, sceglierei il tuo amore perchè il tuo amore è la mia vita.. - Jim Morrison -
Utente Senior
Post: 1240
Iscritto il: 14/03/03 22:08

Postdi Mikizo » 29/08/03 20:35

E' sempre la solita roba, io mando parecchi lart di Nigerian scam con Abuse e spesso i mittenti vengono segati, fai anche tu lo stesso se vuoi ;)
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Post: 8517
Iscritto il: 05/01/02 01:00
Località: Outside

Postdi dado » 30/08/03 12:07

Eheh... sono anche un pò tonti sti spammer.... ti scrivono un'email kilometrica!! Ma sperano che qcuno la legga tutta veramente? :D

House: "Vede, tutti pensano che sia un paziente a causa del bastone"
Wilson: "Allora perchè non indossa un camice bianco come tutti noi?"
House: "Perchè altrimenti pensano che sia un medico".
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Utente Senior
Post: 16208
Iscritto il: 21/08/01 01:00
Località: La Città dei Sette Assedi


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