
SPAM beffa e senza ritegno

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Moderatori: m.paolo, kadosh, Luke57

SPAM beffa e senza ritegno

Postdi dado » 14/06/03 11:22

Una cosa del genere non mi era mai successa: uno spammer che pubblicizza un software per bloccare lo spam. Sembra una barzelletta...

TheVeryBest - Software Downloads
Top-Rank Software Download Site on the Internet Fri, June 13
Internet->Email->xxxxxxxxx v1.5 PRO

xxxxxxxxxxx (3.17MB)

The powerful, effective and intelligent anti-spam tool.
It automatically cleans spam messages out of your mailbox before you receive
or read them.

Automatically Blocking Spam
xxxxxxxxxxx automatically checks your mail boxes and filters unwanted,
dangerous, or offensive mail messages to save your time from manually
detecting and organizing mail messages.
Effectively Spam Detecting
A complex Aritificial Intelligence algorithm has been used in xxxxxxxxx
product to detecting legitimate mail messages and spam messages,the
technique has more precision than other filter-based and keyword-based
anti-spam technologies.
Be Sure You Get Your Right Mail Messages
xxxxxxxxxx doesn't confirm a spam message by a single keyword in mail
content. It examines the entire message - source, headers and mail content
to confirm whether it is a spam message.
Supports Multiple Email Types and Almost All Email Clients
xxxxxxxxxx supports POP3, Hotmail/MSN, IMAP4 and MAPI email
accounts,Directly works with almost all email clients(Outlook Express, Becky
Mail,Foxmail,Outlook, The bat!, Eudora etc.), espacially includes support
for web-based Hotmail/MSN email clients. Nothing you need to change to your
email clients!
Easy to use - You don't need to set any complex filter rules, just add your
email accounts to xxxxxxxxxxxx and then it works.
Friends List and Rejecting List
With Friends List and Rejecting List,you have the chance to decide who are
never blocked or directly treat their mail messages as spam.
Keep your inbox clean
xxxxxxxxxxx places all intercepted spam messages to its interval mail
database so that your inbox remains uncluttered and free of spam.If for some
reason a legitimate email is flagged as spam, you can easily recover in
multiple ways.

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Copyright ?2002-2003 DarkSoft Group All Rights Reserved.

Senza neanche pensarci su un momento è partito il lart.... :diavolo:

House: "Vede, tutti pensano che sia un paziente a causa del bastone"
Wilson: "Allora perchè non indossa un camice bianco come tutti noi?"
House: "Perchè altrimenti pensano che sia un medico".
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Iscritto il: 21/08/01 01:00
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Postdi Nicola » 14/06/03 11:26

Mi pare che un caso simile (o forse anche lo stesso) c`e stato, reportato da zello (forse nel forum Abuse). In pratica vendevano una copia di SpamPal (una vecchia versione forse neanche camuffata se non nel nome) a prezzo di 40-50$...

Il bello era che a prezzo 0 c`era una nuova versione... :D
Utente Senior
Post: 7381
Iscritto il: 08/02/02 01:00

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