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Una settimana da Google: ovvero 5 cose che farei se fossi Google

Condividi:         ale 13 Settembre 07 @ 09:30 am

Una settimana da Google: ovvero 5 cose che farei se fossi Google

Il tema, lanciato da Dabid Naylor sul suo blog, è molto interessante.

Cosa faresti se fossi Google? David farebbe queste 5 cose:

1) Stop displaying Pagerank it only drives link buying and selling

2) Stop showing Site: and use true page clustering. so two pages per site will be displayed, This will stop people worrying about how many pages are in the index also stops link hunting, webmaster central will be the only place you can get that data.

3) on redirects, a site that redirects to more than ONE site will be deemed has potentially damaging and will not be Indexed, this would stop the tinyurls been indexed and affiliate tracking URLs like in the recent Bedstar case...

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