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Utilità web gratuite ordinate per categoria

Condividi:         martigues 1 20 Marzo 12 @ 14:42 pm

Nel Web è possibile reperire delle ottime risorse gratuite per diversi settori: grafica creativa, animazione, divertenti, sicurezza, convertitori, ecc... Ho ritenuto utile ordinare, per categorie, tali risorse affinché possano essere facilmente reperibili ed individuabili. Molte sono interessantissime e quindi degne di essere utilizzate senza remore o timori. Si tratta di risorse on-line, liberamente fruibili, anche se, raramente, potrebbe essere richiesta una semplice registrazione gratuita. In casi particolari potranno essere indicati dei programmi free in quanto interessanti. Avrei potuto inserire molte più risorse, ma ho preferito indicare solo quelle che reputo le migliori evitando doppioni o similari ... continua ?

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Un commento a "Utilità web gratuite ordinate per categoria":
Vernon Vernon il 30 Marzo 12 @ 02:05 am

Really interesting post, it has been anzmiag watching your companies evolve over the last 4+ years. From literally working out of a basement and almost scraping to get by, to functioning like a well oiled machine, planning short and long term growth, developing culture. You guys are well on your way to becoming an over night success with my previous business I would hate people thinking that, yes we grew fairly quickly and developed into a very profitable and efficient organization but it took over a decade of fighting and struggling to get to that point it's anzmiag how people forget all of the blood sweat and tears that go into making a business truly successful. Now to your post, what made me think of my previous business was this moral and general team building was totally lacking, in part because I was younger and naive, but also the dynamic from the family business is just not favorable to this type of outing. Had we made time to do stuff like this more often I think our growing pains would have been easier to cope with. I can't wait to revisit this blog in 5-10 years, little things compounded over long periods of time equates to enormous success

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